Dear Alumni and Friends,
Bro. Thomas R. Leto Iona Prep President
On Saturday, April 30th, The Journal News of Westchester County had a story relating that the Christian Brothers Institute has filed for Chapter 11 protection and reorganization with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the Southern District of New York. As a separately incorporated entity Iona Preparatory School is neither involved in nor affected by this filing. There will be no short or long-term consequences on the viability and continuity of our school, or on the quality of education that is the hallmark of Iona Prep. Students, parents, faculty and our entire community can be confident that Iona Prep will continue its long-standing tradition of providing the highest quality education that challenges our young men in an environment and culture based on our Catholic faith, the Gospel of Jesus and the traditions of the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers.
If you have any questions regarding the Prep, please call me or drop by the Campus. I would be grateful to speak with you concerning our plans for Iona Preparatory School as we approach our centennial in 2016. For the past ninety-five years we have built a reputation as a leader in secondary education in the metropolitan area and we have plans to continue that tradition for the next one hundred years.
God bless,
Bro. Thomas R. Leto