Change is Invetable

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

Yesterday Barack Obama announced another initiative that is doomed to fail. He is resurrecting the old forms of economical growth, investing in foreclosure situation which will encourage people who cannot afford to make payments on mortagages which, in many cases, they could not afford in the first place. So, the government will invest in another inappropriate initiative, financial instiutions will package these into non-asset, income generating deritatives, and next, they will bet against their initiatives and make more money. C

It never ends….. by now it should be clear that old forms of managing an economy in a age being drowned by the effects of a global economy, and further downsized by new forms of technology, such as robotics, is a disastrous remedy for any economy.

It was simpler when wars destroyed millions, manufacturing was pre-technology largely and needed manpower, war economies created jobs and people came together to invest, save and work as one.

A little later, emerging nations saw their economic and social edge — they gladly accepted low wages and so high employment, adjusted their trade policies and consumed wisely. Some became too “capitalistic”, such as Japan, and lost a good deal of economic and competion edge to China, Indonesia, Phillipines and others. China recognizing the conditional consequences of large populations put a limit on numbers of babies born per family.

American, we stuck to our ideological framework; the GOP excesses today on insisting on the impossible, such as balanced budgets, reducing the national debt without first spending to grow into this, and offering up candidates who pledged to someone called Grover, ginned up less than knowledgable candidates who are literally out of touch and probably out of office. Ideology kills in this day and age.

The Democrats offered their own brand of economic an political lunacy. We have a campaign President who is form-driven, offers marginal answers to profound questions, and has not abandoned the equally unworkable commitment to a socially engineered society. Many of his party members are totally out of touch, encourage social engineering, funding welfare beyond any control limitations, and much more.

Socially, organized religion is a non-player and perhaps should be. Communities accept the blight of single parent, multi-child families, communities do not address problems of education and crime and expect knuckleheads in the government or worse, school districts, to work on issues beyond their competency and imagination.

And, yes, we like to crucify incumbents and party tickets, over consume, expect to consume 60% or more of the world’s energy, respond to the drivel on cable news……

Don’t blame any individual for being in control and manipulate politics and economies. It is you and I. We do not respond to the simple notion that both pure Capitalism and pure Socialism, are useless in this world and we require a new paradigm of governance. If you want to break down unemployment, you cannot under traditional forms. I laugh at Ed Schultz at MSBC standing wtih his well-stuffed raincoat in front of boxes with goods, calling for a resurrection of manufacturing. What a idiot? It is as bad as a politician from Fox calling for radically reduced government and balanced budgets. Given the simple matter of global economics as it stands, fat, cash rich corporations will clean that cash up and invest it overseas, hire people who they can pay little, provide few benefits, and further, avoid regulations. That is outsourcing.

We are to blame because we ideologically place blame on people who are part of either end of this system and refuse to think through what is really going on.

All new tax schemes as presented are virtually beneath contempt. All you need is a cursory understanding of our Federalist form of government to see that.

So, how do we develop a system that combines the entrepreurship of capitalism with the social necessity of taking care of our citizens and providing the value and dignity of work. How do we stop the infection of street crime as well as the blight of corporate, lawyered up, crime.

We have an enormous disparity of income. Do you want to have a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage. Do you want of avoid war that is fought in a way that encourages loss of life. Do you want the number of children per family managed. do you want to limit medical services available to the aged or the terminally ill.

If you do, stop with this Bramson Administraton crap. He needs to build up his skills base on knowing what the hell is going on in this world. He does not know this now. You have to compassionately bring your neighbors and yes, your re-election oriented representatives to an understanding that you understand.

This world is becoming a cesspool and it is not the individual as much as the conditions not supporting the individual.

I need a drink and a Ken Bruen Irish novel. Make that drink a Guinness and a back Irish whiskey