Downtown Business Revitalization Ideas from Kevin Barrett

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

It is a pleasure to share with you some of my ideas on how to make New Rochelle’s downtown business district flourish.

First, get government out of the way. The City of New Rochelle is not the most welcoming place for a business enterprise. The perception of selective enforcement, the reality of stringent parking regulations, and limited promotion makes downtown business revitalization difficult. The Downtown BID could have tremendous impact for change but seems to support the government’s decisions. We need for private industry to discuss the change that will benefit both businesses and government.

In this process, our local government will be forced to focus on ways to make our bedroom community into a visitor’s destination.

In the Spring of 2012, I will organize a Realtor’s conference to discuss ways in which these real estate professionals can promote New Rochelle to commercial and retail establishments as well as new home buyers.

New Rochelle needs to become a destination. It is very simple. People need a reason to come. Right now, New Roc’s theater and arcade, dollar stores and churches are a destination. And of course, our fine diverse restaurants are also a destination. There must be greater attractions to tourists, visitors and residents. We have a train station downtown that allows access from NYC, Connecticut, Washington DC, Boston, etc. It is an amazing asset that is not maintained nor exploited. We have an audience of millions. Now we need a greater magnet to attract them to come. People who come by train are walkers. Parking is not their issue.

What would attract them? Models: Cold Spring has antique shops and restaurants and the Hudson River. Beacon has the Dia Museum, Pete Seeger, and the Hudson River. What does New Rochelle have? What would make all those foreign tourists in NYC get on a train to arrive in New Rochelle? Well, we have the concept of a Norman Rockwell Museum. Better yet, expand it to an Illustrator’s Museum. But don’t make limits; it could be a fine arts museum, a performing arts center, or a convention center. The attraction must be universally exciting, innovative and well promoted. We have the Sound and beautiful sunsets. We have so much in this city to promote and attract people to visit and spend time here. The flow of outside people will inspire more restaurants, boutiques and retail shops. In addition, it will allow for the thousands of people currently living here to choose New Rochelle for their entertainment instead of other towns.

Becoming a destination may require a change in traffic patterns. Right now, traffic flows create a thoroughfare to Larchmont and Pelham. It flows past the hot spot: Downtown New Rochelle.

Some short-term suggestions.

The Farmer’s Market is tremendously successful. It would be a gem of an event if were held on Saturday mornings. Right now, many commuters in the Avalons, Trump and 543 Main, 25 Locust do not enjoy the market on Fridays. Their presence walking around New Rochelle is important. They would certainly shop at the Farmer’s Market and have a greater presence. The objective is to increase foot traffic downtown.

The BID’s concert series is amazingly successful. I support their efforts and have a suggestion. The concerts and events start at 7PM. If they started at 8PM more commuter traffic would be available. Again, greater local participation is good. The logistics of night concerts is a surmountable challenge.

There needs to be greater security downtown. The BID again could be a vehicle to deliver such a service. Security companies could make a proposal to have uniformed “police” who would create a professional presence and be the eyes and ears of the New Rochelle Police Department.

There is much more to discuss and actually implement. But I am pleased to have a moment to share some of my insights and ideas to make New Rochelle’s downtown business district flourish.

One thought on “Downtown Business Revitalization Ideas from Kevin Barrett”

  1. Vote for Barrett!
    Best of Luck Kevin!

    We support you & your ideas so keep ’em coming!

    Vote for Barrett!

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