New Rochelle Police SIU, WCPD, DEA Arrest 44 on Drug Trafficking, More to Come

Written By: Robert Cox

Early this morning, search and arrest teams from the New Rochelle Police Department, assisted by investigators from the Westchester County Police Department and the Westchester County DEA Task Force, concluded a month’s long investigation into drug trafficking in the City of New Rochelle with the arrest of a large number of individuals involved in this drug trafficking activity.

Currently, 44 individuals are in custody on charges ranging from Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance 7th (A/Misd) to Criminal Sale of a Controlled Substance 2nd (A/Felony). The operation is continuing and several more arrests are expected.

Starting in February 2011, the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) began several undercover cases throughout the City of New Rochelle in conjunction with the Westchester County Department of Public Safety Narcotics Unit. The investigations focused on street sales and mid-level dealings which were starting to proliferate, particularly in the central part of the City.

As a result, a total of 9 individuals have already been arrested and charged with felony sales before the commencement of this operation. Sealed indictments or local felony warrants have been obtained for an additional 51 individuals. During the investigation, undercover officers purchased over (200) bags of crack cocaine, (350) pills of oxycontin, quarter ounce of heroin and (5) grams of powder cocaine during the operation.

“The success of this operation is indicated not only by the large number of arrests, but also by the excellent cooperation of our law enforcement partners, including the Westchester County District Attorney Office and the Westchester County DEA Task Force,” said Police Commissioner Patrick Carroll. “These efforts will certainly impact the Quality of Life in those neighborhoods.”

7 thoughts on “New Rochelle Police SIU, WCPD, DEA Arrest 44 on Drug Trafficking, More to Come”

  1. tod &willy
    todbrent and willyrand you are 1000% correct on your comments. that is why i dont go down town any more . mich,mr.ham,noam where are you?

  2. Don’t worry about Ed the
    Don’t worry about Ed the panhandler he got locked up during the sweep.

  3. RE: The Hell that is downtown-( So No-)New Rochelle.
    I saw a sign over a trash bin which read ” Put trash where it belongs –in New Rochelle”. Clearly, it was a prank some kids played. BUT, upon refection, what an accurate observation. What is that old saying, ” Out of the mouths of babes spews the truth”? As the previous poster stated, ” So No” ( downtown) New Rochelle is hell on Earth. Beggars, drug dealers, peddlers, prostitutes, and the mentally infirm roam the streets all day and night making life for the hard working, HIGH tax paying citizens an endless, living hell. The cast of characters is long and colorful: Main street Mary with her bleached platinum hair offering her ‘ services” to one all. Miguel the twitching, profanity spewing street urchin. ” Wanda” the space cadet who warns of the imminent UFO invasion and the “aliens” everywhere. Which ‘aliens” does she refer to? Ed the panhandler who follows EVERYONE around begging for money. He lingers in front of the New North avenue CVS, Chase and Citibanks and hampers business there. Who can enter a store/bank/restaurant when it being blocked by harassing vagrants? Then, there is ” Mariah/Janet/Brend K Starr” the equally aggressive ” trannie” who when ” she” does not get her dollar becomes rabid and violent. And, who can forget drunk, delusional Domenick??? It is a cast right out of Dante’s ” Inferno” BUT, unlike Dante’s tale, it is NOT a work of fiction–it is the brutal reality of life in downtown New Rochelle. Each and every day these characters, and other less colorful ones, insult, harass, and denigrate the lives of all the hard working, law abiding, HIGH TAX paying citizens of New Rochelle. I do APPLAUD the Police for their recent work and the arrests. And, I do hope that their vigilance continues so that the Hell in downtown New Rochelle can be countered and corrected. Once these problems are corrected, new stores, restaurants, and residents shall appear. Thank you for your service and good Luck.. TB.

  4. good news
    I just hope they get most of these disgusting human beings. Dealers and buyers. Crack is getting out of control in the North and Main areas. Convenient stores are selling glass pipes with mini roses in them – a very cute way to sell a crack pipe. You’ve got the black transvestite hitting people up for money (going right up to car windows), Ed the panhandler, various spaced out crackheads, a Dominican punk who bosses around an old mentally disabled man to collect cans and ask for money, too many more to list – and it’s still a mystery to local government as to why there’s no thriving business.

  5. Is NR now the SAFEST place to live?????
    So let me get this straight. Before the arrests there were no drugs, no crime, no gangs and NR was the 4th (or whatever number) safest place to live. That means that NR was a utopia with 104 (44 today, 9 before today & 51 additional = 104) middle level drug dealers on the streets. Now one begs to ask Commissioner Carroll does this mean NR is now SAFEST place to live?

    Is it ant wonder that this sting took place on a Friday, the press release was at 4:30 (time of City Hall closing) and a mere 10-days AFTER the city council election?

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