New Rochelle Fire Department Confronts Christmas Tree Fire at 147 Lincoln

Written By: Robert Cox

Electrical wires from Christmas decorations, connected to an overloaded surge protector, heated up and caught fire on the second floor of a two-family house at 147 Lincoln Avenue in New Rochelle, NY. The fire spread to a Christmas tree, walls and furniture in the living room.

The call came into the New Rochelle Fire Department at 9:18 PM. New Rochelle police officers were first on the scene. They reported there were flames visible on the second floor of the house. Two people were on first floor, three people on the second floor and two people on the third floor. All 7 of the people inside the house were evacuated by the New Rochelle Police.

By the time firefighters arrived on the scene the fire was fully engaged with smoke pouring out the second floor windows on the side of the house.

New Rochelle Fire Chief Lou DiMeglio said the fire was brought under control within 30 minutes of the initial call.

“The guys did a great job of keeping the fire confined to one room”, said DiMeglio. “There is a lot of smoke and water damage. The residents will not be allowed back into the house for a couple days.”

Chief DiMeglio had a word of warning for residents.

“People have to be aware they cannot overload the circuits, especially this time of year with the the holiday decorations and all the lights they put up,” said DiMeglio. “They need to spread out the electrical appliances that they use.”

Ladder 11, Ladder 13, Engine 21, Engine, 22, Engine 23 and Engine 25 responded to the scene. Ladder 12 was out of service tonight due to a restriction on overtime which will continue until the end of the year.

No injuries were reported.

9 thoughts on “New Rochelle Fire Department Confronts Christmas Tree Fire at 147 Lincoln”

  1. The exclamation came into the

    The exclamation came into the New Rochelle Fire Department at 9:18 PM. New Rochelle fluff appointee were first on the scene. They reported there were blaze visible on the deputy system of the house. Two escape were on first floor, three group on the assistant formatting and two escape on the third floor. All 7 of the escape inside the house were evacuated by the New Rochelle Police.
    christmas quotes || new year quotes || good night quotes

    1. You make no sense

      I do not understand what you wrote and it does not make any sense.  What is an exlamation?  What is fluff appointee?  What is assistant formatting? 

  2. Lets not lose sight of…
    Lets not lose sight of a few things that are not being addressed and use this as a learning experience.This fire I believe was in Mr Rice’s district. As this happened,Engine 25 from far north had to completly cross the city to assist Engine 24 on a gas call in a multiple dwelling off Pelham Rd.Northenders– Where was your first responders? How much time would it have taken to get help? Probably another Department would have been quicker.Think about it,you pay the big taxes and had NO chance of getting help quickly.Remember,Fire doubles in size every minute.There is also a 7-10 minute window to have any chance of surviving a heart attack.YOU WERE SCREWED. Hopefully we will learn from this.Mr Rice, regardless of your thoughts before,I know this will help you with your decisions on the FD.A normal response to the call on Keogh La would have involved one of NRFD Ladder companys.So if 12 was in service,they would have been on Lincoln with Ladder 13 and Ladder 11 would have responded to Keogh Lane and Engine 25 would have been able to stay up North.Lots to think about.Also thanks for no one being injured.That was an absolute minimum amount of men fighting the fire and they showed their dedication with a very hard fought fire to keep contained,Anyone ever seen a Christmas tree burn? Instant flash of fire with intense heat.Great job NRFD.

  3. Hello Noam and council
    Does the city officials really want to layoff firemen.There fast response to this scene shows how great they are.
    Remember people that LADDER 12 was not at this fire scene because it was out off service due to the fact that there were less than 27 firemen working. If Mayor Bramson and Jarred Rice had there way that Ladder company would stay out of service.
    As this fire was being reported so was another call at 16 Keogh lane,the call was for a large oder of GAS throughout the building engine 24 and engine 25 that’s right engine 25 from Pinebrook and Stratton Road had to respond to this call. This call turned out to be a defective stove leaking gas.
    That means there was no coverage for the rest of the City.

    1. Jared Rice
      Eye On…. you are not representing Rice correctly on this at all. I got to know the man during my volunteer work at the Community Enrichment Zone and he gave me access to him as he has to many others in the community. In fact, I see him often at the Kaffeine or the Tea House in New Rochelle.

      Knowing from earlier conversations his position on the firefighters re: budget, I contacted him. He categorically denied your post and said you should contact him or he would contact you regarding your allegation that he wanted this firehouse out of business.

      It means something to me to set the record straight as I have hopes that the City Council will show some independence in 2012 on the issues I have posted and others. In fact, Rice had some positive things to say and was more than helpful in the issue you are posted on. He knows you apparently and you should call him as I would invite others to do the same just to straighten out this house of cards we see in City Management.

      I get the impression that there are some people who damn this guy for beating Parente and Earvin soundly during recent elections. The focus should be more on downtown development, school district, and proper realization of the “fog” surrounding the City Code. I hope we get to that point.

      Look at what the good citizen Anthony Galletta brings to us on the parking situation. It is unconscienable to have such inefficiency in city admininstration. It doesn’t end here — the building department literally contributes to businesses closing and pulling out of New Rochelle and the lack of landlord dialogue and rezoning rot contributes to a totally unproductive business planning and development process.

      Eye, I am sure you are a solid citizen; I read your posts before and they suggest that. We need to tackle the sorts of matters I have mentioned and look into the explicit issues Anthony and others have mentioned. We need to separate process from content, demand a thriving business community, unravel the inefficiencies in the various departments, demand a strict adherence to the City Code so we can have some oversight over City business management. I believe Chuck Strome is a good man who needs to know there are councilmembers who exercise this function and do it wisely. Actually the city is a dog’s breakfast of confusion between who does legislation, executive management, and oversight.

      I have faith and am putting hopes in a new paradigm of government that elevates the people who are not entrenched in the political north end process to increasing responsibility and service to the City. TOTS has shown me…. and I am a tough sell….. that this end of town is laden with good people and solid citizens who want to restore this City. The demographics are changing and we should acknowledge that and play an active role.

      It should come down to north end apathy versus south end dynamism. Nothing less will do. I don’t want to see another Anthony Galletta going through this, another Retrofix being handled differently than large chain establishments, another small business being bureaucratized and red taped out of business or close to it like the tea shop on Huguenot or Kaffeine and Sutton on Division. I don’t want to hear another story that people being paid handsomely to service the citizen are without fundamental knowledge of their job responsibilities. I would hope these staff have a community relationship (live here for the most part) in New Rochelle.

      A new day is dawning, but it needs to be assisted in its delivery. Eye, we need to hope and expect that our downtown council members understand their dual responsibility to their districts as well as to the overall community. I think most of them will.

      1. If he wanted it open he could have proposed other things to cut
        I’m not saying that Jared Rice specifically wanted to close a fire house, but if he wanted to keep it open he could have proposed other things to cut the budget, right?

        There’s waste at almost every turn and yet he proposed nothing. In fact I just wrote if you get rid of the parking manageer & the assessor (2 complete fluff jobs in NR) we’d save $300k but there a lots of other ways the city could save money and it doesn’t have to boil down to laying off firemen.

        Or we could figure out another way to suppliment the fire department ranks, but nobody looks into these things. Its like the BoE saying if the budget doesn’t pass, then we have to eliminate the football team when there’s plenty of other ways to save money.

      2. ralph and fifth
        I think we know a about firefighters and the risks they face daily. I have posted on this; mentioned I was the fire warden at the South Tower bank 100-106 (floor) while employed by Atlantic Bank. We relocated months prior to the holocaust a scant few months before this holocaust. I knew many, many people who perished from AON, Fuji Bank, etc. and was down in the Federal Building when these scum hit the towers. I posted many times of my active support for the firefighers and have submitted recommendations to the City on alternatives. You can check prior blogs for these. I am also happy, no elated to see my young friend Kevin Thomas, seems to be doing well after his equipment failure.

        Ralph there is no greater supporter in New Rochelle of first providers than me. Fifth Avenue Guy, I know your work and have a great deal of respect and admiration for it.

        I am rattling on because the two prior posts make my point. I would not, repeat, would not mention Jared Rice’s same in the context of this post unless I was certain of my facts. These men and women will never be out of my mind; in fact, I wear the names of the many NYPD, Port Authority and other officers who died that day on the back of a memorial tee shirt put out by the National Law Enforcement Memorial Group. That is how seriously I take my support.

        Ralph I don’t know you but you may know Rice so check with him as I suggested in an earlier post to another correspondent. In fact, based on your post,you probably do know him, so check and draw your own conclusions.

        Fifth Avenue Guy, I know you through your posts. All I will say is that I am convinced that Jared Rice did offer alternatives. Respecting you as I do, you should draw your own conclusions and I ask you to join me and others in making this a stronger, better city especially in the business district and the immediate neighborhoods.

        Of course I have no direct proof; were I to ask him he probably would reluctantly mention he discussed other ideas. He is a pretty humble guy believe it or not. I was in contact with Louis Trangucci prior to the sudden funding deal that changed the budget. I was going to attend the community meeting that he was sponsoring at St Joseph’s but not being in his district and seeing that the funding was found, I contacted him and said that this combination of facts seem to make my presence unneeded; my purpose was to give reasons to fight the dismissals.

        Fifth and Ralph, a simple observation which I posted at the time. I have some suspicions that, within a matter of days, NYS realigned its health premium projection from 16% to something around 5%. Frankly I still think that was too pat, too convenient and that the actual percentage was known a lot earlier. Even if this wasn’t the case, it does not speak well of the finance function to forecast a large amount on speculation without constantly referring such to the State prior to finalizing the City budget. In private enterprise, that makes no sense as it has to lead to budget issues and as we saw, staff cuts.

        Gentlemen, (1) the issue is not making assumptions about a Council member (well maybe Fertel) without some evidence as it is urgent that the non-north end folks find common ground to solve the sorts of problems I discussed earlier, (2) I, myself, offered alternatives to laying off first line folks such as first providers, etal, stating that the Strome “no fat in the budget.” is a typical accounting statement if you are only adding or subtracting horizontal or vertical budget lines. Instead I proposed other remedies, among them letting go non-essential head office exempt staff such as deputy department heads, people assigned to longer range projects, BID and other consultants, etc.

        I sent copies to council members such as Louis and Jared a short time prior to the “miracle at 515 funding discovery.”

        I take no credit, but I do say that there was a great deal of community pressure, some ideas therein, and I am sure some Council member resistance and alternative initiatives.

        Draw your own conclusions.

      3. conclusion

        Mr Rice is the biggest Muppet Next to Barry as Norm has his hand up their butt makeing them say what he want. That's my conclusion.

        When Mr rice stands on his own feet then maybe i would respect him! I gave up on Barry…you can't get a good idea out of a rock.

      4. If he wanted it open he could have proposed other things to cut
        I’m not saying that Jared Rice specifically wanted to close a fire house, but if he wanted to keep it open he could have proposed other things to cut the budget, right?

        There’s waste at almost every turn and yet he proposed nothing. In fact I just wrote if you get rid of the parking manageer & the assessor (2 complete fluff jobs in NR) we’d save $300k but there a lots of other ways the city could save money and it doesn’t have to boil down to laying off firemen.

        Or we could figure out another way to suppliment the fire department ranks, but nobody looks into these things. Its like the BoE saying if the budget doesn’t pass, then we have to eliminate the football team when there’s plenty of other ways to save money.

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