Join Talk of the Sound Publisher Robert Cox at Journalism Accelerator Forum on Sustainable Journalism Wednesday

Written By: Robert Cox

Ja logo 1 copyThe folks at the Journalism Accelerator have asked me to contribute to an online forum on “sustainable journalism” on day two of a conference that begins tomorrow.

Niche Perspective: Publisher forum February 29th examines revenue, collaboration and syndication:

On Wednesday, February 29th, Day Two of the JA forum on sustainable journalism highlights the practice of niche publishing, one name for specializing in a particular subject matter or a certain type of reporting. Their experiences reflect many common issues local publishers know well.

This is a forum for publishers, businesspeople, and others interested in increasing the revenue of digital news sites. It’s a moderated online conversation, designed as “call and response” – we’ll hear two publishers’ stories, add reflections from a couple of business experts, and invite you to jump in.

The Day Two focus: publishers specialized by subject or niche sites serving an audience not tied to a neighborhood beat. How do you create and capitalize on something unique? Can more general news sites support specialized reporting? How can one niche site collaborate with others around the same issue in a different town?

The forum will feature Joe Bergantino of the New England Center for Investigative Reporting and Diane Lund, publisher of The Lund Report, which covers Oregon’s healthcare industry.

Also longtime journalist Bob Buderi of Xconomy and business advisor Rusty Coatsm co-founder of Coats2Coats consulting.

Also contributing to the conversation: Robert Cox, an early and widely-known media critic and blogger, now editor of Talk of the Sound; Susan Mernit, who as founder of Oakland Local has developed multiple revenue streams including training, underwriting, ads, donations, grants and events; David Hirshman, founder of Street Fight, focused on the business of hyperlocal, and Joe Michaud, business coach to media startups, including Super Camp participants.

This is an open forum welcoming those with interest or experience to participate. It’s simple to join! Just click on the “connect” button in the upper right hand corner of this site. Use your preferred social network to sign on and comment during the live discussion window, Wednesday February 29 from 2 – 3:30 PM Eastern. Forums are energized by practical questions, suggestions, tips, or frustrations. As inspired, weigh in on the stories you see here in the comment thread below. What’s your own revenue story? Help shape the conversation before it starts.