
Written By: Talk of the Sound News

Just received my County tax bill. The change from last year for the County Sewer tax, New Rochelle district, rose an incredible 21.4757 percent !!!.I do not recall reading or hearing about this. Maybe I missed the notification to the public. But, if I did, where is the outrage? If this doesn’t rise to a prominent position in our local media, what does?

Can anyone enlighten me on this? I read the local Journal News every day and I cannot recall a story on this.

If this is true, and I cannot believe that my tax bill is in that much of an error, where is the justification for this astronomical raise in the sewer tax. We just go along and pay our taxes without so much as a peep. Were the sewers repaired in New Rochelle in the last year? Is this tax for maintenance? What is this sewer tax for and what does it do? What occurred in ths last year to warrant this kind of rise in the tax?

5 thoughts on “Taxes”

  1. New Rochelle taxes…..sad
    Oh New Rochelle, why do you make it so hard on your citizens. We have supported you all along but you give us little back (mostly you just take more).
    Since 2006 my school taxes have risen 65%, while my net worth has fallen 31% (I am retired). The sewer tax goes through the roof, but I am on a septic system (no exemption for that), garbage collection rose **&%# (not printable), City taxes rose over 7% this year flying in the face of Gov. Cuomo’s intention to help give a break to taxpayers. It’s not enough to say it’s legal, our officials should be able to say it’s right.

    there’s a lot to fix, where to start: Always vote, go to hearings, phone officials, design your placard. Citizens…retake NR or leave.

  2. Journal News? Ha!
    Best line of the week…

    ” I read the local Journal News every day and I cannot recall a story on this.”

    Ha Ha Ha Ha!

    You know the saying “What you don’t know can’t hurt you?”

    Well, don’t believe it.

    As you can see we have been writing about the New Rochelle Water Treatment Plant for a while. Someone has to pay the quarter-billion dollars for this new plant. Guess what? You are the lucky winner.

    New 10-Story High Sewage Treatment Plant is Game-Changer for Echo Bay Development Plans

    Now take a look at your water bill.

    Welcome to the word of Sustainability! A small taste of what Noam has in mind for you with GreeNR.

    If you want to know what is going on NR, the last place you would look is the Journal News. I have a better idea. Subscribe to our newsletter and get daily updates. Add your email to the box on the right.

    PS, your headline is more than vague. Readers will not understand and half our traffic comes from Google which will have no idea what the topic if your article is. I suggest you read How to Write a Good Title for Your Blog Post

    1. You should be more encouraging Bob
      You should be more encouraging Bob, no need to rip Tony a new 1 over a lousy headline. I liked the story and Thanks for writing Tony!

      Bob, you also write stories & post things that I strongly disagree with and/or I find offensive, but I’ve never called you on it. I really don’t see the point.

      I had the same thoughts when I looked at my tax bill as Tony did & I bet thousands of others did too. Sorry that you anticipated a 21% tax increase, but many others didn’t. Don’t like the story, then take it down, you run the show.

      And not everyone can keep all this news and assorted crap straight in their heads like you can and its not really laid out anywhere for anyone to figure out, even with TOTS. If only there was a 1 page cheat sheet with all the relevant facts.

  3. How’d this pass the tax cap law?
    I was noticing the same on my tax bill. Starting to seem like a total rip-off, especially since we don’t have a choice! Might be cheaper to go back on the septic system.

    How’d this pass the tax cap law? Does anyone anywhere even look at this or even care? Sometimes I feel like we citizens battle this stuff alone, by our selves with city hall/albany blindly looking the other way.

    @ Hudson Park, are you sure the Trump/Avalon buildings aren’t paying for this? What should they be paying? I left my bill at home but isn’t it based on assessment? Why isn’t it based on consumption?

    And a big thanks to Rob Astorino for not jacking up the actual county tax portion of the bill. If we hadn’t dumped Andy Spendo a few years back, my bill would be 10-15% higher. Why can’t New Rochelle do the same?

  4. IT’S TRUE
    You are paying for the improvements that are going on right now at the sewer plant in New Rochelle that 10 story building going up over 5 islands park.
    The county threw that on New Rochelle residents a few years ago because of all the buildings we and other towns and villages around us put up.
    Oh and by the way the avalons and trump don’t pay that.
    Have a great poop because you are certainly paying for it

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