Siete Ocho Siete Ownership Plays Race Card in Cabaret Licensing Dispute

Written By: Robert Cox

A reader sent along a copy of an email message from the ownership of Siete Ocho Siete which accuses residents of Shady Glenn Court (sic) of racism in filing complaints with the City of New Rochelle “about safety, littering, drugs, noise, etc.”

Over a dozen supporters of the restaurant, formerly known as Mama Francesca’s, spoke before the City Council on Wednesday October 10, 2012.

From: Siete Ocho Siete
Subject: Siete Ocho Siete Upcoming Events
Date: Tuesday, October 9, 2012



As you may know, due to a set of reasons, SIETE OCHO SIETE is no longer featuring any sort of entertainment such as (DJ, Bands, Karaoke, etc.) as per this past month of June 2012. The residents of Shady Glenn Court (the adjacent block to Siete Ocho Siete) have been making racial statements through letters talking about safety, littering, drugs, noise, etc. against our fine establishment.

We all know that SIETE OCHO SIETE has been nothing but a great addition to the City of New Rochelle bringing diversity, increasing revenues and creating jobs. SIETE OCHO SIETE always provided the appropriate number of qualified licensed staff members needed to exercise such business. Countless phone calls have been made to our local police department from our neighbors, with the intent to find SIETE OCHO SIETE guilty of the complaints that have been made. SIETE OCHO SIETE always managed to maintain its integrity by keeping all records clean. While we understand that the restaurant is zoned nearby a residential area we are asking for City Council and the Mayor to grant us a special permit to feature entertainment until 2 am instead of 4am.

New Rochelle is a City not a Town! What’s wrong with having a Salsa band, Karaoke, or play a music controlled by a DJ until 2am only on designated nights? It’s been over a year now that we have been attending several hearings at City Hall in New Rochelle in effort to obtain our special permit.

Dear family, we are all gathering at SIETE OCHO SIETE on Wednesday October 10th at 6pm to further discuss the matter before attending the very last public hearing, which will be held the same evening at 7pm at City Hall on North Avenue in New Rochelle. Everyone will be entitled to spend a word in favor of our humble Puerto Rican restaurant before City Council and the Mayor will make the final decision on whether or not Siete Ocho Siete will be issued the special permit.

Please we need your support let’s keep SIETE OCHO SIETE open, serving food and drinks at the rhythm of Salsa.

Thanks in advance for your support,
Siete Ocho Siete

Our address is 414 Pelham Road, New Rochelle, NY 10805
Call us at 914-636-1229 for more information
Visit us at

2 thoughts on “Siete Ocho Siete Ownership Plays Race Card in Cabaret Licensing Dispute”

  1. If…
    If you are not willing to cooperate and follow rules then maybe you should open the Salsa Party somewhere else!!!!

    We DON’T need a Cabaret. Rules are for EVERYONE to follow!!!!

    Race Card???? What else is new!!!!

    1. Uh oh, what did I tell you? Rippa hasn’t been eating there…
      for free for decades to have let this drop.

      I didn’t know there was another meeting to be held. Humble? There’s nothing humble about Nick and Lucas.

      Don’t drop the ball, citizens, or Nick may yet get his way. Did I tell you Nick would be back – playing the race card, what a hoot! – or did I tell you Nick would be back.

      Good luck, Shady Glen.

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