Bob Cox for New Rochelle Schools

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

Letter to Editor, published May 18, 2013, The Journal News

Robert Cox is a civic minded man of integrity and honesty. Cox can bring his devotion to the best interests of children and taxpayers to the New Rochelle School Board. He faithfully attends school board meetings and keeps abreast of problems in the schools. Whenever problems about school children or the schools are brought to his attention he takes action. When an unpleasant situation is uncovered, such as child abuse by a staff member, he has taken appropriate action to correct the situation. When he finds something amiss, such as when some administrators were working without valid state certifications, his reports about this difficulty led to correction of the situation.
The School Board necessarily must pay a lot of attention to the financial aspects of proposals in the City for new developments and how the number of school children can be costly for the schools This is another area that Cox has continued to speak and write about on his blog, Talk of the Sound. He has advocated for a financial review committee to the Board of Education and suggested residents for the committee who were highly qualified financial experts. That committee’s work resulted in savings in the school’s budget.
Cox looks at both sides of an issue and is not afraid to take tough stands on things he finds wrong. Because of these exemplary efforts and accomplishments, it is tragic to hear that there is some “fear” of Cox in the community. John Adams said “Fear is the foundation of most governments.” But it was Franklin Delano Roosevelt who more forcefully said, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself”. Residents of New Rochelle have nothing to fear by pulling the lever for Bob Cox for the New Rochelle School Board on May 21.

5 thoughts on “Bob Cox for New Rochelle Schools”

  1. I have nothing to comment on here
    I have nothing to comment on here as Peggy has said it all, Good luck Mr Cox

  2. Board of ed election.
    Not a lot of confidence in the women running the poll at Holy Name.

    1. 2x Loser
      Another election another loss… Your a fool to think that this city will ever let you win… Now you can focus on publishing lies and deception about people at the BOE… Now you want a recount and your claiming fraud? Your such a loser… I’ll see you at Dunkin donuts fatboy…

      1. Democratic machine
        The reason why a person like Bob will not win in New Rochelle is that you need the blessing of the democratic power brokers to win.

        Been calling them out on their incompetent, unethical, mafia like behavior for years, and you run the biggest New Rochelle news site that keeps them on record? nope too dangerous!

        That kind of person might ask real questions effect real change, maybe even expose some corruption (gasp) and what the demo-rats really hate is that they wont follow their marching orders and tow the party line.

        You know heaven forbid you might have an independent thought or difference of opinion from the hive mind.

        If anything this proves that anyone with very little experience with the school board and its duties can win just because they have the backing of the Democratic machine in New Rochelle..

        Just as long as you promise to back the power brokers and not rock the status quo of course!!

        New Rochelle has been getting the Government it deserves, that’s why this city is dying and it will continue to get more of the same, In Fact Detroit and Chicago are perfect examples of the result of Democratic control and their failed policies, its why NY state is the least free state in the union (Google it)

        If the people of New Rochelle continue to follow their “dear leaders” blindly, very soon they will suck the last drop of life blood out of New Ro for their own personal advancement and ruin this once productive and prosperous city, they will leave the south end to further deteriorate with failed “developments” and the north end can just officially merge with Scarsdale already (their money might insulate them for a little while). When that happens there will be no one to blame but ourselves.. I plan to be far away from this state by then.

        Murrow said it best : “a nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves”

      2. either way you are screwed
        Robert Cox has his share of detractors. Often times he may have missed the mark in terms of the investigations that he has made.

        But, the BOE has become a passion of his, and he has done his due dilligence to expose the corruptness, cover ups, misappropriation, and sloth of the idiots who walk around New Rochelle with their pants down. It is time to straighten up, and Cox will keep you honest, whether he is on the school board, or just acting as a concerned citizen.

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