Talk of the Sound Housekeeping – Our SPAM Filter is Blocking “Good” Comments in Error

Written By: Robert Cox

Readers will have noticed that our software is blocking “good comments” right now. This has been going on for about a week. I have contacted the software developer for technical support as efforts on our end to fix the problem have failed.

If I do not hear back soon I will disable the software we use (called “Mollom”) so readers CAN comment but I would prefer not do that as Talk of the Sound gets a lot of incoming spam especially and up until now Mollom has been terrific.

Want to see?

Screen Shot 2014 01 08 at 11 22 29 AM

Note the spike in late 2012. That may have been due to the attention we got with our Journal News gun map after Newtown.

I will post an update as soon as this is resolved. Meanwhile…”we regret the inconvenience”, as they say.