2 thoughts on “See How Iona College Presents New Rochelle to Students: Get To Know New Rochelle”

  1. Diversity Overlooked
    In a city with a population of over 77,000 there are no people in the video. Davenport, Five Islands & Glen Island parks yet NO PEOPLE!

    The most blaring flaw is that Iona chose to ignore New Rochelle’s strong suit; DIVERSITY! What this video lacks is a stroll down the Union Avenue corridor….

  2. Iona College Presents New Rochelle
    I would like to say I hate when New Rochelle is referred to as New Ro. What a shock if students and parents drive off Exit 15 or 16 on I95. I guess Iona thinks that New Rochelle needs to be improved. What would Iona’s enrollment be if the real New Rochelle was revealed to students and parents.

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