Blur. Expands into Chester HeightsSection of Eastchester

Written By: Robert Cox

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NEW ROCHELLE, NY — BLUR. has expanded outside of New Rochelle. The serial tagger that has been plaguing New Rochelle for months showed up in the Chester Heights section of Eastchester.

Blur Eastchester

Talk of the Sound has set out to unmask the person with the hope of their being sentenced to cleaning up the mess they are creating in New Rochelle.

Blur EastchesterRoadArea

The new tags have been added to the Flickr slideshow (below).

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Junior reporter Micaela Cox has been documenting known instances of Blur. tags, most of which have occurred in the area of Eastchester Road. A person has used the tag “BLUR.” or “BLR” or “BLR.” Most often the tag is done with a thick black marker, perhaps a Marks-A-Lot marker, but not exclusively.

By taking photos using an iPhone with GPS location capability, Micaela has identified and documented the exact location of dozens of BLUR. tags.

Someone has been covering over some Blur. tags like this one at Eastchester Road near Mount Joy Place.

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If you would like to assist us you can take a photo with a phone with the location service switched “on” for the camera. If you have new BLUR. tag photos you can email them to

If you information on the identify of BLUR. you can contact Robert Cox at Talk of the Sound ( or the New Rochelle Police Department at 914-654-2300.



BLUR STRIKES AGAIN: Readers Find More Blur. Tags in New Rochelle

Serial Tagger Leaving a Trail of BLUR in New Rochelle

The full set of BLUR. tag photos here: