ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part V: Ward School

Written By: Robert Cox

ADA Cover Ward

NEW ROCHELLE, NY — This article is Part V in an Investigative Series by Talk of the Sound into apparent violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act at New Rochelle schools. Part I of the series is here. The investigation covers exterior issues only. For a detailed explanation of terms and requirements you will want to read our Primer on Compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act for Curb Ramps, Access Ramps and Parking Spaces

ADA Compliance Grades: Ward School:

Accessible Parking: F
Van-Accessible Parking: F
Curb Ramps: F
Access Ramps: N/A

Overall Grade: F

Ward Elementary School has two parking lots, one in the front of the school, broken into two parts, and one to the side. There is a paved area in the back where people do park but that area is reserved for buses.

ADA Ward 1372

Ward/Front Parking Lot (by ball field)

There are 44 parking spaces, 6 Accessible Parking Spaces, and 0 Van-Accessible Parking Spaces.

5 of the 6 have proper signage for Accessible Parking Spaces, the 6th space does not. Of the 5 signs, only one is at or above a height of 5 feet. None of the Accessible Parking Spaces are on flat ground. Two of the Accessible Parking Spaces do not have Access Aisles, four of the Accessible Parking Spaces have Access Aisles.

ADA Ward 1374

Not only are the spaces in the Front Parking Lot by the ball field not compliant but the poor condition of the asphalt road surface is such that a person in wheel chair would have great difficulty navigating any of the Accessible Parking Spaces.

Ward/Front Parking Lot (down the hill)

There are 33 parking spaces, 0 Accessible Parking Spaces, 0 Van-Accessible Parking Space.

Ward/Side Parking Lot (down the hill)

There are 54 parking spaces, 0 Accessible Parking Spaces, 0 Van-Accessible Parking Space.

Ward Elementary School has 2 Curb Ramps, both towards the front of the school, as both are a complete disaster it is not even worth mentioning the measurements. They are not in compliance as they are unusable in their current, deteriorated condition.

ADA Ward 1377

There is one other Parking Space in the circle in front of the school which is an odd-hybrid of a non-compliant Accessible Parking Space. There Parking Space is too small for almost every car on the road except for perhaps a MiniCooper, the Access Aisle striping is in front of the parking space and the Accessible Parking signage is posted next to the Access Aisle not the Parking Space.

There are no exterior Access Ramps at Ward but there are two undesignated ramps at the school, one in the back of the school and one to the side. They are unmarked and do not have handrails. As they are not marked or otherwise indicated as Access Ramps they were not measured but they appear to be very steep.

ADA Ward 1380

ADA Ward 1378

Talk of the Sound offered to meet with the District’s ADA/504 Coordinator to review these findings in advance of publication. That offer was declined.

NEXT: ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part VI: Barnard Childhood Center

10-Part Series on Violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act in New Rochelle Schools

ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part I: Trinity Elementary School

ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part II: Jefferson Elementary School

ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part III: Columbus Elementary School

ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part IV: Webster Elementary School

ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part V: Ward School

ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part VI: Barnard Childhood Center

ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part VII: Davis Elementary School

ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part VIII: Isaac E. Young Middle School

ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part IX: Albert Leonard Middle School

ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part X: New Rochelle High School