ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part VIII: Isaac E. Young Middle School

Written By: Robert Cox

ADA Cover Isaac

NEW ROCHELLE, NY — This article is Part VIII in an Investigative Series by Talk of the Sound into apparent violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act at New Rochelle schools. Part I of the series is here. The investigation covers exterior issues only. For a detailed explanation of terms and requirements you will want to read our Primer on Compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act for Curb Ramps, Access Ramps and Parking Spaces

ADA Compliance Grades: Isaac E. Young Middle School:

Accessible Parking: F
Van-Accessible Parking: F
Curb Ramps: F
Access Ramps: F

Overall Grade: F

Isaac E. Young Middle School has two parking lots, one in back of the school building and one in front. In addition, there is a parking lot for Tocci Field that is connected by a steep driveway to the back parking lot which is used by school district employees.

ADA Isaac 1408
Isaac/Front Parking Lot

There are 52 parking spaces, 2 Accessible Parking Spaces, 0 Van-Accessible Parking Spaces. Both Accessible Parking Spaces have Accessible Parking signs but neither are Van-Accessible Parking signs. There are three Access Aisles for the two spots which is in excess of what is required but all three measure 60 inches, so they are compliant for a car but not a van. More to the point, they are effectively “Accessible Parking Spaces to Nowhere”. They are not located near a school entrance. They are located at the bottom of a long and steep set of stairs of no use to a person in a wheel chair. There is no way to enter the school from the two Accessible Parking Spaces other than exit the parking lot, go to the road near the football field, go to the sidewalk along Center Avenue and enter at the side entrance of the school.

ADA Isaac 1420

ADA Isaac 1419

ADA Isaac 1421

Isaac/Back Parking Lot

There are 68 parking spaces, 6 Accessible Parking Spaces, 0 Van-Accessible Parking Spaces. The 6 Accessible Parking Spaces can be described as a Triple, a Double and a Single.

The Triple Accessible Parking Spaces are not signed at all. The ground is not level. There are two Access Aisles that are greater than 60 inches (car) but less than 96 inches (van).

The Double Accessible Parking Spaces are not signed at all. The ground is not level. There is one Access Aisles that is greater than 60 inches (car) but less than 96 inches (van).

The Single Accessible Parking Space is not signed at all. The ground is not level. There is an Access Aisle nearby but it is not connected to the Accessible Parking Space; it is at the foot of the space and runs along another curb towards a Curb Ramp.

Isaac/Tocci Field Parking Lot

Technically, this is a City of New Rochelle Parks Department Parking Lot for Tocci Field. There are 36 Parking Spaces none of which are Accessible Parking Spaces. Even if there Accessible Parking Spaces in this lot, the driveway that connects the Isaac/Tocci Field Parking Lot to the Isaac/Back Parking Lot is extremely steep making the entire lot inaccessible to a person in a wheel chair.

Isaac E. Young Middle School has 6 Curb Ramps, 2 on Center Avenue, and Four in the Back parking lot.

ADA Isaac 1417

The first Curb Ramp on Center Avenue has a Cross Slope of 4 degrees, more than double the maximum of 2 degrees.

ADA Isaac 1418

The second Curb Ramp on Center Avenue is the worst at the school. The Running Slope measured 10.1 degrees, above the maximum of 8.33 degrees. The Gutter Slope measured 6.9 degrees, above the maximum of 5 degrees. The Transition is not flush and in a deteriorated condition make it all but impassible for a person in a wheel chair.

ADA Isaac 1429

There is one Curb Ramp which leads to a long Access Ramp in the back parking lot. The Running Slope measured 10.2 degrees, above the maximum of 8.33 degrees. The Cross Slope which we have not been reporting here is so far off, it measured 7.3 degrees, above the maximum of 2 degrees, that we need to mention it here. One of the Flared Side Slopes at one of the Curb Ramps at the side entrance measured 17.4 degrees, well above the maximum of 10 degrees.

ADA Isaac 1430

There are two Curb Ramps near what we labeled the Triple Accessible Parking Spaces.

The Curb Ramp to the left (as shown in the photo) has a Running Slope of 18.6 degrees, well above the maximum of 8.33 degrees. The Cross Slope is 4.4 degrees, more than double the maximum 2 degrees. The Flared Side Slopes measured 13.8 degrees and 19.1 degrees, well above the maximum of 10 degrees.

The Curb Ramp to the right (as shown in the photo) has a Running Slope of 18.4 degrees, well above the maximum of 8.33 degrees. The Cross Slope is 4.4 degrees, more than double the maximum 2 degrees.

ADA Isaac 1431

The sixth Curb Ramp is near the Gymnasium. The Cross Slope is 7.7 degrees, almost four times the maximum of 2 degrees. One of the Flared Side Slopes is 22.1, almost three times more than the maximum of 8.33 degrees. In addition to not being complaint, the Curb Ramp is oddly situated in relation to the nearby Accessible Parking Space and an even more oddly placed Access Aisle. All of the element of a complaint Accessible Parking Space, Access Aisle and Curb Ramp are present but not arranged in a way to be of use to a person in a wheel chair.

There are two exterior Access Ramps at Isaac E. Young Middle School. They are a total disaster and need to be completely redone. Both Access Ramps were installed when the school bid to provide BOCES services at the school; the Access Ramps serve as emergency exit ramps.

ADA Isaac 1415

ADA Isaac 1412

The Access Ramp at the front of the school is completely non-complaint. Access Ramps can have a slope no greater than 5 degrees, in most cases they require handrails and a flat Transition area every 30 feet. There are four sections with Running Slopes of 9.7 degrees, 8.5 degrees, 9.1 degrees and 11.1 degrees — even the Transition areas are not level. The entire Access Ramp needs to be ripped out and replaced.

ADA Isaac 1426

The Access Ramp at the back of the school is completely non-complaint but might be very popular with skateboarders. The ramp is 100 feet. Given the length the ramp was measured in sections which, from top to bottom, are 8.6 degrees, 7.9 degrees, 2.3 degrees (the putative level Transition at the 50 foot mark, not 30 feet), 10.5 degrees, 10.0 degrees and 7.2 degrees.

Talk of the Sound offered to meet with the District’s ADA/504 Coordinator to review these findings in advance of publication. That offer was declined.

NEXT: ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part IX: Albert Leonard Middle School

10-Part Series on Violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act in New Rochelle Schools

ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part I: Trinity Elementary School

ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part II: Jefferson Elementary School

ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part III: Columbus Elementary School

ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part IV: Webster Elementary School

ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part V: Ward School

ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part VI: Barnard Childhood Center

ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part VII: Davis Elementary School

ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part VIII: Isaac E. Young Middle School

ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part IX: Albert Leonard Middle School

ADA Violations in New Rochelle Schools – Part X: New Rochelle High School