Tire Slashing Incidents at New Rochelle High School

Written By: Robert Cox

NEW ROCHELLE, NY — Over the past six weeks there has been a series of tire slashing incidents in a school parking lot at New Rochelle High School, sources say.
 A District spokesperson did not respond to an email request for information about the incident. New Rochelle Police were not notified by the District.
 Over a period of weeks, reportedly beginning in early November, tires on several District work vans were punctured with what appears to have been an edged-weapon. There were several similar attacks in weeks that followed. Sources were not certain how many tires were slashed, one said perhaps 8 to 12 tires were damaged and has to be replaced.
 All of the attacks were made on tires mounted on green work vans, used by Buildings and Grounds employees. The department has been under increasing stress after the entire management team, consultants from Aramark, were abruptly replaced along with the District Business Manager. The entire department has been under investigation for months by an outside private investigation company and some B&G employees have already been fired as a result of the increased scrutiny.
 There has been recommendations for years, including by Talk of the Sound, to place security camera on B&G facilities and parking areas but plans to do so were resisted from within the department.