Diversity Without Division: A Conversation with Keith Boykin at Iona College

06/04 Diversity Without Division: A Conversation with Keith Boykin at Iona College 3:30 PM

Written By: Talk of the Sound News


Iona College

Christopher J. Murphy Auditorium

Free Lecture: Diversity Without Division:

A Conversation with Keith Boykin

Wednesday, April 6, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Followed by a reception at Arrigoni Center

Keith Boykin

As a classmate of Barack Obama, Keith Boykin led the movement for diversity at Harvard Law School. Afterward, he served as an aide to Bill Clinton (and was the highest-ranking openly gay person) in the White House. Since then, he has, among many other things, authored a New York Times best-seller, co-hosted a show for BET, spoke before 200,000 people at the Millennium March on Washington, and made numerous appearances as a political commentator on CNBC, CNN, MSNBC, and FOX. He also currently teaches courses in political science at Columbia University. 

The College’s Strategic Plan Diversity Committee invites you to attend this important event in support of our institutional commitment to multicultural diversity.