Assistant Superintendent for Business & Administration John Quinn

For First Time, Former New Rochelle Assistant Superintendent John Quinn’s Name Surfaces in Federal Corruption Investigation

Written By: Robert Cox

NEW ROCHELLE, NY — For the first time since news broke of indictments in a federal grand jury investigation, the name of John Quinn has surfaced in the investigation.

Talk of the Sound obtained a copy of the Grand Jury Subpoena, dated December 18, 2015, under a Freedom of Information request filed with the City School District of New Rochelle. The subpoena was served by the United States Attorney Southern District of New York. Signed by United States Attorney Preet Bharara and Assistant United States Attorney Benjamin R. Allee, the subpoena demanded that the District turn over records including the personnel file of John Quinn and records relating to payments made to John Quinn, including salary, wage, or other payments.

The subpoena also seeks records pertaining to G.W. Plumbing, T&G Electric, Zonzini Masonry, Zonzini Pipeline Services, Globe Fence, Roxy Fence, Wager Construction, and “contracts with the vendors, proposals, purchase orders, change orders, invoices, and payments.”

In a cover letter, Bharara asks the District not to disclose the existence of the subpoena to any third party to “preserve the confidentiality of the investigation and because disclosure of the existence of this investigation might interfere with and impede the investigation.”

The subpoena orders the District to provide records.

TO: City School District of New Rochelle

WE COMMAND YOU that all and singular business and excuses being laid aside, you appear and attend before the GRAND JURY of the people of the United States for the Southern District of New York, at the United States Courthouse, 300 Quarropas Street, White Plains, New York, in the Southern District of New York, at the following date, time and place:

Appearance Date: January 8, 2016 Appearance Time: 10:00 to testify and give evidence in regard to an alleged violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1346 and not to depart the Grand Jury without leave thereof, or of the United States Attorney, and that you bring with you and produce at the above time and place the following:


Failure to attend and produce any items hereby demanded will constitute contempt of court and will subject you to civil sanctions and criminal penalties, in addition to other penalties of the Law.


Please provide copies of the following documents, for the time period January 1, 2005 through the present:

  1. The personnel file of John Gallagher and John Quinn;

  2. All records relating to payments made to John Gallagher and John Quinn, including salary, wage, or other payments;

  3. Any and all contracts between the New Rochelle School District and Aramark regarding on-site facilities management, including but not limited to contracts regarding employment of John Gallagher;

  4. Any correspondences or other records relating to the employment of John Gallagher by Aramark and/or the New Rochelle School District;

  5. All records relating to time and material bid vendors, including but not limited to G.W. Plumbing, T&G Electric, Zonzini Masonry, Zonzini Pipeline Services, Globe Fence, Roxy Fence, Wager Construction, and including but not limited to contracts with the vendors, proposals, purchase orders, change orders, invoices, and payments.


Grand Jury Subpoena to City School District of New Rochelle December 18, 2015

New Rochelle Board of Education: Criminal Enterprise Masquerading as an Educational Institution – Part I

New Rochelle Board of Education: Criminal Enterprise Masquerading as an Educational Institution – Table of Contents

John Gallagher of Aramark Arrested by Feds for Bribery Scheme in City School District of New Rochelle