NR Fund Grant Application Deadline is November 15

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

NEW ROCHELLE, NY — If you have an idea for a school enrichment program that you’d like the New Rochelle Fund for Educational Excellence to support with its new grant program, there’s still time to apply. But not very much.

The deadline is Nov. 15 to apply for the grants that the Fund is making available as one of its 20th year celebrations. Fund Executive Director Andrea Berman said applications are coming in. She has been visiting schools and non-profit groups to discuss the new opportunity.

“I’ve been having good conversations about this opportunity with teachers, as well as with PTAs and non-profit organizations,” she said.

The Fund has been supporting programs that enrich learning and the school experience since 1998. This year, its organizers chose to reach out to explore ideas that others develop as well. Berman expects that six to 10 grants will be awarded.

As explained on the Fund’s website: “Priority will be given to programs that promote active student learning, are innovative and offer students the chance to find their voice and build their self-confidence – as part of our ‘Year of Creative Expression.'”

For information on applying, visit: