Camerata Chamber Players: Strictly for Strings Fall Frolic

09/16 Camerata Chamber Players: Strictly for Strings Fall Frolic 3 PM

Written By: Talk of the Sound News


Artist/Performer: Camerata Chamber Players: Strictly for Strings Fall Frolic

Date: Saturday, September 16, 2017

Time: 3:00 pm

Location:  Classroom Building — Room 200

Westchester Community College

75 Grasslands Road

Valhalla, NY 10595

Phone Number: 914-606-6262

Ticket Price:  $24 (General Admission), $22 (non WCC Students/Seniors/Fac-Staff), $18 (Children Under 13)

Description: Explore the afternoon joys and intimate ambience of classical music presented by the Camerata Chamber Players!N

Website for Tickets and Additional Information:

Please note that the box office (located next to the Academic Arts Theatre) is open a half hour before the schedule event. Tickets may be purchased the night of performance for CASH ONLY!