New Rochelle High School Budget Town Hall

Written By: Robert Cox

NEW ROCHELLE, NY — The New Rochelle Board of Education held what was erroneously billed as a “town hall” meeting tonight at the New Rochelle High School library on the topic of the nascent 2020-21 budget.

A town hall is traditionally understood to be an event where elected or public officials answer questions from members of the public.

The public was not permitted to participate in the meeting but could watch in person or on cable access.

The so-called “budget town hall” was actually a round table discussion where high school department heads made presentations on their budget priorities to school officials with school board leadership seated at one end and two cabinet members at the other. In other words, it was an internal budget meeting in a public setting.

In the future, a better name would be “Budget Roundtable.”

Board President Amy Moselhi and Board Vice President Paul Warhit sat at one end of a rectangle of tables and co-chaired the meeting. Superintendent Dr. Laura Feijóo and Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Alex Marrero sat across from them. Interim Principal Joseph Starvaggi along with Department Chairs and several other speakers.

Also present was Board Members Lianne Merchant, Chris Daniello, Greg Kern, William Ianuzzi. Also cabinet members Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Services Anthony Bongo and Assistant Superintendent for Business Greg Kern.


Budget Summary

English – Lydia Adegbola

Social Studies & Business – Gustavo Barbosa

Math – Xiomara Gonzalez

Science –  Rekha Liveris

Science Research –  Jeff Weubber

World Languages/ENL – Juan Mendez

Music/Visual Arts/PAVE – Mark Schneider

Special Education – Felicia Schinella

Physical Education/Health – Tilsa Rodriguez Gonzalez

Athletics – Steve Young

Guidance Department – Francis Curley

Improving School Climate – Rachel Cornelius and Four House Principals (Daniel Gonzalez, Latoya Price, Francis Cruz, Seth Bushing)

Intervention Services – Joe Starvaggi


Building Needs