NEW ROCHELLE, NY — The City School District of New Rochelle has ignored repeated requests for an explanation of photos published on Instagram account attributed to Adofo Muhammad that suggest a connection with or support of The Nation of Islam, Leonard Jeffries and the Black Panther Party. A request to interview Mr. Muhammad was ignored.
The New Rochelle Board of Education announced the hiring of Adofo Muhammad as the incoming Principal of New Rochelle High School on Tuesday night with a start date of July 1st.
New Rochelle Hires New High School Principal
The controversial photos were published on the Instagram account.
In two photos, Muhammad is wearing a black t-shirt with an image of the book cover of Message to the Blackman in America by Elijah Mohammed, founder of The Nation of Islam. The organization is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, primarily due to antisemitic and anti-LGBT rhetoric.
A third photo shows Muhammad with men in what appears to be the Bedford Academy where he is currently Principal. Several of the men are dressed in a manner similar to a style favored by members of The Nation of Islam.
In another photo, Muhammad is wearing a brown t-shirt with an image of a poster promoting the Black Panther Party, listing members alleged to have been involved in various acts of violence against law enforcement.
In another photo, Mr. Muhammad is seen posing with Dr. Leonard Jeffries. In the 1990’s Jeffries was removed as the Chair of the Black Studies Program at CUNY for “claiming ‘whites’ are ‘ice people’ who are violent and cruel, while blacks are ‘sun people’ who are compassionate and peaceful. He has promoted melanin theory and claims that melanin levels affect the psyche of people, and that melanin allows black people to ‘negotiate the vibrations of the universe and to deal with the ultraviolet rays of the sun.’”
Jeffries gave a controversial speech in 1991 where he said that “’rich Jews’ financed the slave trade and control the film industry together with the Italian mafia, using it to paint a brutal stereotype of blacks.”
On Wednesday, Talk of the Sound reached out to a CSDNR spokesperson:
“Mr. Muhammad’s Instagram feed has photos that suggest a connection with or support of the Nation of Islam, Leonard Jeffries and the Black Panther Party. We figure you must have anticipated questions about that. Can you address that?”
On Thursday, Talk of the Sound followed up:
“Unless we hear otherwise, we will just say ‘declined to answer’. Ideally, we would like Mr. Muhammad to take questions, maybe a phone or email interview.”
The District has declined to answer.
There may be a good explanation. In the same Instagram feed, Muhammad is posing next to a Holocaust survivor.
The issue here may be less Mr. Muhammad’s association with controversial figures than the failure of school officials to answer questions they ought to have anticipated. We cannot know because right now the District is not talking.
In light of twenty incidents of anti-semitic hate speech and Swastikas drawn, etched or painted onto school property over the past two years, school officials should have been prepared to explain why their social media background check did not turn up links between a New Rochelle school principal candidate and proponents of anti-semitic and anti-LGBT views or say they were aware of the photos but found them acceptable or whether they even vetted the social media history of candidates for the position.
One way or another, an explanation is in order.
Please read comments above regarding hatefulness of Nation of Islam. You can’t afford to come off so naive.
Nail hit on head.
Thousands of people have graduated from New Rochelle High School. Are they all uniquely and amazingly qualified to be principal at New Rochelle simply because they graduated from there? Of course not!
Please explain what your fundamental beef is. What is happening currently in New Rochelle that is harmful to minority and “undeserved” (sic.) or underserved students. Please provide facts, reason and evidence that students are currently “underserved.” I very seriously doubt you have any facts or evidence in that regard. How on Earth could a student be underserved at the public school — are officials not sufficiently bending over backwards and contorting themselves to grovel to your pain-in-the ass victim mongering?
This is the best response I have heard so far. Still, he owes an explanation regarding his involvement with the Nation of Islam or the 5 Percenters.
I demand answers! Is he involved with the Nation of Islam? Has he ever attended one of their mosques? (Did you know white people are not allowed?)
I really don’t care that he graduated from New Rochelle several decades ago. Stop arguing that as an amazing benefit. New Rochelle is vastly different now — and he left! How dedicated to New Rochelle has he been all these years? See, the argument cuts both ways.
Answer this question: what has he ever done to serve a diverse community?
A member of any religion who wore an embem on their T shirt that revealed a connection to a very controversial person or ideology such as that of Elijah Muhammad or Nation of Islam — an ideology attached only to the extreme views and extreme and abnormal obsession in only their own skin color — views which are virulently hateful remarks about white people — that person would not belong in a position of authority in a large and diverse public school where the object is to generally educate Americans.
This is not about the “media and their images of Black men.” This is about a principal of a high school that serves ALL students, not just the Black ones. Nation of Islam is a hateful, anti-semitic group. If he belongs to that group, we deserve to know. It is as simple as that.
Let us stay true to proper argument, address the issues and refrain from personal name calling. It is sophomoric.
We know very little, except appears on a person’s T-shirt. Pointing out what is there that raises concerns is not akin to “assassinating a person’s character.” You’re being hyperbolic.
The next logical step is to ask questions why that person would associate themselves with the images on their shirt.
Should the district ignore the T-shirt of a school principal if it had a swastika?
Elijah Mohammed was a very hateful character. His image was on Mr. Muhammed’s T-shirt. Why don’t you digest that a little?
How racist of you to assume what “white” people think vis a vis Black people. How divisive, identity-absorbed and very ugly of you! Just what we don’t want in New Rochelle. Stay out of positions of power, please.
He did not say “Islam is a problem,” or “Religion is a problem.” Also, some ideologies conveniently disguise their hatred and victim-mongering behind a mask of religion. Mr. Muhammad does not appear to have ever been interested in any people other than Black people.
Some people called Naziism a religion — would they get protection from any scrutiny Just because they are religious Nazis?
Also, I heard that the Federal Government will not hire anyone involved with the Nation of Islam. If that is true, why not? If that is true, how can they “discriminate” on the basis of religion?
Your statement above is by definition religious discrimination.
What if someone were to say that “for Christianity, Judaism, or Hinduism, it is a disqualifier for a position of public trust in ‘our’ school system.”?
All of the above religions have members who have at some time or in some way have practiced separation from other groups and people or some form of discrimination of other groups or people.. Some could say that orthodox Christianity teaches against homosexuality, some could say there is ethnic prejudice in Judaism, and Hinduism has its caste system..
Looks like glass houses all around..
This is outright discrimination and prejudice.
The issue here is not Islam.
The issue here is apparent support of The Nation of Islam or Elijah Mohammed or the Black Panther Party. As I said elsewhere, my questions are more about the Five Percenters.
It is not discrimination to ask questions. You might want to focus more on the school district refusing to answer questions or to make Mr. Muhammad available for interviews. It has been a week of silence.
In any case, I get the idea you support the incoming principal. You have had your say. Impugning my motives is not going to change my efforts to get answers to some rather obvious questions.
He was hired to serve the students of NRHS. Growing up in NR I’m CERTAIN he was fully aware of the scrutiny that would follow his appointment. I’m also Certain that he can handle it.
He has worked with educators who lead schools in NYC that RUN CIRCLES AROUND NRHS! He is/was an educator who leads a school who runs circles around NRHS. He was mentored by the founding Principal of The Eagle Academy. My son graduated Eagle Academy, 2010, I graduated NRHS, 1989. From my personal experience, I promise there is no comparison! Being from NR I was sceptical of NYC schools. I was pleasantly surprised, and thankful that we made the choice. You guys should be excited and proud to acquire such an academic partner to lead the High School. Give him a chance to turn things around. We can always go from good to better. Trolling and fussing about a tshirt and his social media is juvenile. He seems unapologetic and about his business! We don’t want a passive, yes-man do we?
The school is not only about “undeserved” students and minorities. The school is about everybody, all colors, all ethnicities. It seems he is only about Black people and the Black experience. That is NOT diversity. New Rochelle is about more than just Black people. It is about everybody.
For you to say “the positive effect . . . ” is actually disgustingly selfish and victim-mongery. That won’t help anybody get out of poverty. Any color person can and should help any other person, and you ought to believe that, but it seems you do not. That is the very definition of racism.
There are some interesting pins on Adofo Muhammad’s pinterest page. I have screenshotted them, in case they mysteriously disappear.
Completely disgusted!
The Pinterest page of Adofo Muhammad is here:
Readers can visit and make up their own minds as to the various pins.
I would point out that the term “God Body” has a very specific meaning, a phrase used by The Five Percenters, a Nation of Islam splinter group. You will also find that various places in the US are given designations within the Five Percenters orbit so Harlem is Mecca, Brooklyn is Medina, Detroit is D-Mecca and so on. The smallest city by far on the Five Percenters list is New Rochelle which is called “Now Rule”.
Now Rule and the Five Percenters philosophy is referenced in the Brand Nubian song “Straight Out of Now Rule”
“A lot of y’all niggas is 85th, on some shady shit
Bark is much worse than your bite like a baby pit
In the pitch dark of the night you’s afraid to get exposed”
85th is a Five Percenters reference.
Readers can google for more on The Five Percenters various aspects of which get name-checked quite a bit by Mr. Mohammad.
My question to him would not be are you a member of NOI but about Five Percent Nation:
Here are various takes on Five Percenters:
“Also pushing the federal government are the wicked members of the Jewish community, who have opposed every good deed and all of the good works of a good man.”
– Richard B. Muhammad, “Straight Words,” Final Call, Volume 37 Number 35, Aug. 14, 2018
“These false Jews promote the filth of Hollywood that is seeding the American people and the people of the world and bringing you down in moral strength. … It’s the wicked Jews, the false Jews, that are promoting lesbianism, homosexuality. It’s the wicked Jews, false Jews, that make it a crime for you to preach the word of God, then they call you homophobic!”
– Louis Farrakhan, Saviours’ Day speech, Feb. 26, 2006
“Who are the slumlords in the Black community? The so-called Jews. … Who is it sucking our blood in the Black community? A white imposter Arab and a white imposter Jew.”
– Speech by NOI national official Khalid Muhammad, Nov. 29, 1993
“Jews have been conclusively linked to the greatest criminal endeavor ever undertaken against an entire race of people … the black African Holocaust. … The effects of this unspeakable tragedy are still being felt among the peoples of the world at this very hour.”
– The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews (Nation of Islam book), 1991
“The Jews don’t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that’s a good name. Hitler was a very great man. He wasn’t a great man for me as a black person, but he was a great German. Now, I’m not proud of Hitler’s evils against Jewish people, but that’s a matter of record. He raised Germany up from nothing. Well, in a sense you could say there’s a similarity in that we are raising our people up from nothing.”
– Louis Farrakhan, radio interview, March 11, 1984
“Integration is against the Desire and Will of God Who Wants and must Do that which is written He Will Come and Do: Restore the earth to its rightful owner (Black Man).”
– Elijah Muhammad, “Our Saviour Has Arrived,” 1974
Let me help you with a few quotes from the founding members of the Nation of Islam, you know, that organization that the new principal proudly displays on his t-shirt:
“Also pushing the federal government are the wicked members of the Jewish community, who have opposed every good deed and all of the good works of a good man.”
– Richard B. Muhammad, “Straight Words,” Final Call, Volume 37 Number 35, Aug. 14, 2018
“These false Jews promote the filth of Hollywood that is seeding the American people and the people of the world and bringing you down in moral strength. … It’s the wicked Jews, the false Jews, that are promoting lesbianism, homosexuality. It’s the wicked Jews, false Jews, that make it a crime for you to preach the word of God, then they call you homophobic!”
– Louis Farrakhan, Saviours’ Day speech, Feb. 26, 2006
“Who are the slumlords in the Black community? The so-called Jews. … Who is it sucking our blood in the Black community? A white imposter Arab and a white imposter Jew.”
– Speech by NOI national official Khalid Muhammad, Nov. 29, 1993
“Jews have been conclusively linked to the greatest criminal endeavor ever undertaken against an entire race of people … the black African Holocaust. … The effects of this unspeakable tragedy are still being felt among the peoples of the world at this very hour.”
– The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews (Nation of Islam book), 1991
“The Jews don’t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that’s a good name. Hitler was a very great man. He wasn’t a great man for me as a black person, but he was a great German. Now, I’m not proud of Hitler’s evils against Jewish people, but that’s a matter of record. He raised Germany up from nothing. Well, in a sense you could say there’s a similarity in that we are raising our people up from nothing.”
– Louis Farrakhan, radio interview, March 11, 1984
“Integration is against the Desire and Will of God Who Wants and must Do that which is written He Will Come and Do: Restore the earth to its rightful owner (Black Man).”
– Elijah Muhammad, “Our Saviour Has Arrived,” 1974
This is silly.
Do you have any idea of the positive effect a successful minority educator like this will have on the minority and undeserved students of New Rochelle?
How can you make someone’s religious orientation a qualifier or disqualifier??
Is this Nazi Germany now?
How many religious groups of the past have been ostricized like this?
Why not extend the religious freedom and respect that has been extended to the religious groups that have come together to make America great?
How quickly people forget the lessons of religious intolerance…
Congrats! Godwin’s law achieved!
In April of 2019, Magda Parvey, the interim NR Schools Superintendent at the time, asked New Rochelle residents to complete a survey that would guide the NRED in a search for a new NRHS principal (ink to the original survey: The survey guided community members through a series of questions about the experience and leadership characteristics that should be sought in candidates for NRHS principal. The survey also had comment sections where community members should share additional thoughts and suggestions. I would like the NRED to make the results of this survey available to the entire community, including all comments. We can then verify if the NRED used this guidance (as promised) in the hiring of Mr. Muhammad. I included these suggestions in my survey comments last year:
The new NRHS principal should:
– Have deep and broad experience with running a large and highly diverse high school.
– Possess the ability and desire to heal NRHS and the New Rochelle Community from the tragic murder of NRHS student Valaree Schwab and the subsequent on-campus stabbing.
– Bring a well-documented history of high school transformation that includes significant improvements to high school graduation rates, chronic absenteeism, overall academic performance, school safety, and increased participation rates in extra curricular activities.
– Speak multiple languages including Spanish.
Mr. Cox raises a salient point when he asks about Mr. Muhammad’s background. We all need to know the truth and Mr. Cox is providing a forum for us all to get that truth out in to the open. Let’s bring facts to the table, they seem to be in short supply at this point.
From the majority of comments here it looks like New Rochelle may be a little more diverse than the idea of New Rochelle that you or the people promoting this viewpoint have assumed.
Looks like discrimination.
Address his ability to perform the job.
First, a handful of people commenting on this site is not representative of anything, some seem to be from Brooklyn. That said, I do not mean “diversity” as code for “black” or “people of color” but ACTUAL diversity which includes people who are Jewish or LGBTQ. The Nation of Islam is tiny (maybe 40,000 members) and they are rejected by just about everyone including African-Americans.
An even smaller group is the “Five Percenters”, a splinter group of NOI which I suspect may be the issue here.
This article is beyond racist and ignorant. You went into his “personal” social media account, to look at his attire AND found something he wrote in 1991 to prove what? His love for his culture!
If black people don’t embrace who they are then who will? Because based on this article, it sure isn’t you!
If you educated yourself, you would know what the Black Panther Party and the Nation of Islam stand for because not one thing you stated in this article is a true representation of both organizations.
Everything you stated has has absolutely nothing to do with this man ability to be the principal and lead the school.
It is not an insult to say you imagine yourself to be thoughtful and intelligent. To me you are not a real person just pixels on screen. If you want to be credited as a person then identify yourself and stand by your words.
I allow readers to comment pseudonymously but that does not mean I respect people who do. To me they are cowards who do not have the courage of their convictions. If you want respect for what you have to say then put your name to your words and back up your words with logic and reason.
Your idea seems to be that you are going to hide behind a fake name, take pot shots at me then demand I answer YOUR questions.
Maybe that works in dum-dum land. It does not work here.
So you’re trying to be insulting by saying “that you imagine yourself to be a thoughtful and intelligent person”. As a matter of fact I am thoughtful and intelligent. Apparently you cannot answer a simple question that is being asked of you. So I guess you cannot have a thoughtful, intelligent dialogue with an individual. You’re a real “pot-stirrer”. Best of luck to you. I guess I stepped to hard on your toes!!
First off, I won’t use my real name. I’ve spent the better part of my life defending myself for selling out. I watched Sammy Davis Jr. and Jackie Robinson demand for supporting a political candidate. The two of them and myself have done more than most. Claiming a man shouldn’t face scrutiny because he is black is a smack in the face to all black people. This isn’t a minor position. If Mr. Cox was questioning because of his hair style out choice in ties, I would question his motives. My son knows Adofo and vouches for his integrity. However, I question his choice in t shirts. They don’t accidentally fall on your torso. You have to purchase and then choose to wear those shirts. One should question why he would wear anything representing a group like NOI. We don’t have better representatives in the black community? In the’70s, you’d see t shirts with the Supremes or Michael Jackson. The assumption if someone wore one is that he or she liked the music. I didn’t wear a shirt with AC DC or the Mets. A shirt with a group like NOI represents more than a choice of music or sports team. It’s fair to ask, so please stop with the ignorant responses using race. It’s the response of those who cannot reason.
My son knows some of those in the comments. I won’t single anyone out, but according to him, their endorsements aren’t a positive. People can change, but dealing drugs to those you claim to empower doesn’t cut it. Takes a lot of accountability and amends to make up for that. In my career, I’ve worked with people from all over the world. I had my own prejudices and often heard that Jews were the devil. I worked with many and I never saw any horns. That term is often used in NOI and the Black Israelite movement.
The questions I would ask Mr. Muhammad are as follows:
Do you support all of the views of those on your shirts?
Would you support a student if he wore the same shirts?
Would you support a student if he wore a Proud Boys shirt?
All fair questions requiring thought. I could choose to scream racism . I could have written far fewer words, but I’d be an ignorant fool.
Actually, it is a white reporter asking a white superintendent to answer several questions.
Over the past 12 years I have served the school community as a member of the District-Wide Healthy and Safety Committee, the New York State Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE) Committee and the Green Ribbon School Committee (which I currently chair). I created the Citizens Advisory Committee on the Budget. I ran for school board twice. All four of my children went through the public schools and all four graduated from NRHS. I have been a dues-paying member of the various school PTAs for two decades. In the process, I have attended more school board meetings than anyone in the City of New Rochelle. Through my reporting I have exposed waste, fraud and abuse and was directly responsible for two federal investigations and 3 felony convictions.
Is that suffecient?
I have a question for you… what have you done to HELP the students and families of New Rochelle High School? How many hours of your life have you committed to ensuring the future of New Rochelle. You are raising questions about irrelevant topics that insights hate, confusion and unnecessary value to what the greater purpose is… appointing a person to position that is well QUALIFIED to withstand the decline of a great school and be ready and willing to be of source value and asset to the progress. Why do you feel the need to highlight things that have nothing to do with what this highly professional, very well efficient and educated Ph.D candidate Mr. Muhammad IS!!! It people like you with the “Donald Trump syndrome” as I call it that speak on topics that are non factors and deflect attention from real truths and understanding. I still don’t understand what you are trying to insinuate by trolling through his personal social media and speaking on his wardrobe. What does that have to do with his highly effectiveness as a current, educator, administrator, man of God, father, brother, friend, son, neighbor, citizen of this “Free Country” to wear a shirt of his choosing. How about you take some time for your self during this PANDEMIC and go do some work that will be for the greater good of NEW ROCHELLE because I’m sure you haven’t, because if you did, you won’t have the time to search social media to write about someone’s shirt choice. This is a time that unity is needed!! This is a time that care and love is needed!!! This is a time that prayer for ALL is needed!!!! How about you find some time in your day to write about that… let it start with you, by going out into the city of New Rochelle and being of love, light and assist those who need it desperately right now! Not concerning yourself with someone’s shirt. How about that??? Can you answer that while you wait for CSDNR to NEVER entertain your foolish question with a response.
I gave you the benefit of the doubt and re-read your article. To me your trying to start something over a picture. If you don’t want him to be Principal of New Rochelle High School, go before the school board and voice your reasons based on pictures and t-shirts. I’ve posed the question to you “If you took a picture with Steve Bannon and had on an Ozzie Osbourne t-shirt, does that mean you support white nationalists (who are also anti semitic) and bite off birds heads?” I’ve heard no response to what I’ve asked you, so that let’s me know you’re avoiding the question because it’s reasonable question to ask. Despite your article of trying to tear him down, he’s going to be the Principal of New Rochelle High School. You’ll have to deal with it just like parents of New Rochelle are dealing with the appointment of the Superintendent. GET OVER IT!!!
I appreciate that you imagine yourself to be a thoughtful and intelligent person so that any conclusion you draw is true and any question you think up demands an answer.
This is only cause a white man is hating on a black man in charge. Get over it and fall in line!
Because a (soon to be) highly paid school official is black, reporters cannot ask questions? Or is it just white reporters cannot ask questions? Does “fall in line” mean NO ONE can ask questions.
In the real world, reporters ask questions.
You’re bringing up the clothes this man is wearing, so yeah he is a better man than you and your whole generation
If you have an issue it’s only because this is a strong black man in charge. It’s disgusting how ya’ll people hate…disgusting! You really took the time to look up this man’s clothing. Cox you have issues and anyone who agrees with you. You better go address that, cause we’re not having it!!
Mr Muhammad doesn’t need to come and serve the New Rochelle School System he chooses to as a former product of the New Rochelle School System. I think we should appreciate that he would like to take up the challenge of helping to improve the school he once attended.
Who does he “serve”?
He serves the Superintendent and the New Rochelle Board of Education which is made up of elected members, all of it funded by taxpayers. So, he serves the community and for which he will soon be paid one of the highest public-sector salaries in New Rochelle. On top of which, thousands of families are entrusting the future of their children to this man.
Given this, any such new hire should expect scrutiny and answer any and every question.
As you said, he serves us not the other way around.
Islam is not a problem the Nation of Islam is : According to the Anti-Defamation League, the Nation of Islam “has maintained a consistent record of anti-Semitism and racism since its founding in the 1930s.”
Mr Cox asked for response got none reported what he saw. The reality is if you put stuff on social media it has weight if you are public spot . Asking the questions is helpful hopefully they will be answered
According to the Anti-Defamation League, the Nation of Islam “has maintained a consistent record of anti-Semitism and racism since its founding in the 1930s.” So if his shirt supports that …. just saying
According to the Anti-Defamation League, the Nation of Islam “has maintained a consistent record of anti-Semitism and racism since its founding in the 1930s.”
Hi Terrence, Minister Farrakhan is the current head of the Nation of Islam he hates jews, lgbtq, I think this man could be a great principal asking what he meant by these images is not out of bounds
Hope it’s all a misunderstanding
If a principal wore a confederal flag t shirt there would be same discussion. The shirt has Elijah Mohammed even Malcom X disavowed him
Asking what it means isn’t a problem
That’s not true in the least Islam is one thing the Nation of Islam is a hateful group led by Farrakhan so wearing the shirt touting Elijah Mohammed’s teachings could be as problematic as wearing a shirt with confederate flag or nazi symbol
“ The issue here may be less Mr. Muhammad’s association with controversial figures than the failure of school officials to answer questions they ought to have anticipated. We cannot know because right now the District is not talking.”
I wouldn’t answer any question you ask. I don’t blame the CSDNR for ignoring you. And what is “New Rochelle’s view of the Nation of Islam”? I don’t have a view and I doubt my kids do either. You are a hateful mean-spirited man with a grudge against CSDNR even though they feed your family via your wife’s salary. I wouldn’t even be reading this if someone didn’t send it to me; I didn’t check the source. I make a point to never read your articles. So far from the little bit I know Mr Mohammed seems to be a great choice to lead NRHS.
So what is it then?? Is it because of the t-shirts in the pictures and because he’s taken a picture with individuals from the Nation of Islam?? I don’t understand . I am a Christian and I don’t feel threatened by the picture of him with others from the Nation of Islam. If you were to take a picture with individuals from the Altreit, and wear with David Dukes picture on it, should that raise an eyebrow or should I just toss it up to freedom of speech or guilty by association???? Again, I’m just saying. . . . . .
The article actually addresses your comment. You might want to re-read it.
It Cox was calling Mr. Muhammad a member of the Nation of Islam, or bigoted in any way, I would agree with your criticism. But he has not done that. What he has done is posted photos that I, for one, think are a public service. The Nation of Islam is an incredibly divisive, as is Jeffries. At the least, Cox is right to ASK what the photos mean, if anything.
I am sure Mr. Muhammad will address the issues raised here, at some point. But the District’s failure to respond in a timely way smacks of either incompetence or arrogance or both.
You sir are conjuring up lies and misleading the people about someone who does not discriminate against no one! He has the best interest of all people at heart! He gives more of himself to others than he has to offer! In every school that he has principled over he has left the safe carbon print….love, respect, and honor!
The article is about asking the District questions based on facts — the photos — concerning the second most important job in the District.
How about the District or Mr. Muhammad answer rather obvious questions that would be anticipated by any intelligent organization which, obviously, CSDNR is not.
As for The Nation of Islam, it is a disqualifier for a position of public trust in our school system.
A reporter you are not. You are a blogger online posting opinions that speak volumes about who you are and how you see the people in this community. What is the value in only reporting questions without any real answers, it is bad news. How about you take a moment and do some scholarly research about the symbols you claim to understand or even gain some perspective beyond your own before you posting anything. God forbid you be able to report multiple sides of a story, right? Maybe CSDNR is just saving the answers and interviews for real reporters and reputable new sources.
Mr. Cox:
I usually don’t comment on your commentary, but let me say this: as the saying goes “You can’t judge a book by it’s cover, you need to check it out”! Just because of his t-shirt and who he takes a picture with makes you question this man’s ability to run New Rochelle High School? In my opinion, just because he’s a Muslim that does not mean he’s antisemitic or anti LGBTQ+. Although, he was a principal at a school in Bedford Stuyvesant, I’m sure he has dealt with LGBTQ+ students and the like. You do realize that Brooklyn is just as diverse as New Rochelle, and while the community where he was principal was predominately African American and Latino, that does not mean he has not encountered other ethnicities and people of from other religions backgrounds. Keep in mind, as a father and a Principal he knows that social media can damage a reputation so I don’t think he would post anything that would ruin his character. I’m not sure if you were made aware that Mr. Muhammed is a product of the New Rochelle City School District so he already knows what he’s up against. Let me say this: if you took a picture with Steve Bannon and had an Ozzy Osbourne t-shirt on, does that make you a white nationalist and someone who rips off bird head with their mouth?? I’m just saying. . . .
The article does not say anything about his ability to run the high school nor anything about his being Muslim.
Are you even from Nee Rochelle? Did you grow up here?
I have lived in New Rochelle for the better part of three decades and before that I attendee high school in New Rochelle. None of which is germane to my asking questions as a reporter covering New Rochelle.
Just looks like another attempt to defame a man who has done nothing wrong and an egregious example of racial or religio profiling..
Disgusting. U call this reporting?
Asking questions to gather news and information is the nature of reporting.
Ok reporter, tell us why you chose to leave out that Mr. Mohammed is a native of New Rochelle as well as a NRHS alumni? This man, who I personally know and graduated with in ’88, is the new Principal because he takes his work and scholarship seriously. Given the proper resources and support Mr. Mohammed will surely prove to do a more effective job than his predecessors.
You must not have read the article as it links to a second article which contains detailed information about Mr. Muhammad. That information includes that he graduated from New Rochelle High School in 1988 and a link to a video of him discussing that.
Why are they an “issue” in New Rochelle?
I grew up in New Rochelle and have known of the nation of Islam all my life. I’ve known nothing other than their teaching a that people know their history, be peaceful, do for self and help others.
Looks like any group that seems to teach African Americans the values that the groups demonizing them teach seems to get shot down.
If you believe The Nation of Islam is “any group” then, of course, you see no reason to ask questions about this matter. If you check around, you might that few in New Rochelle share your benign view of The Nation of Islam.
You are confused. The photos are not “evidence” of some conclusion but the basis for questions put to the City School District of New Rochelle. Sadly, the CSDNR has so far been unwilling to answer questions or make Mr. Mohammed available for an interview.
Your evidence is photos and a few t-shirts? This is a cause of concern and the basis of your questions?
Why is it an issue?
Did you speak to the Nation of Islam first to see if they are a hate group Mr.Cox? You may need to do more research before you report what you feel and not what you know.
I did not say The Nation of Islam is a hate group.
Says a guy who sold crack to those in his own community and sexually abused a child. Way to go Lord Markim.
I made repeated efforts to get answers. I asked to interview Mr. Muhammad. The District chose not to respond to questions they should have anticipated in a diverse community like New Rochelle. The Nation of Islam may be no big deal in Bed-Stuy but its an issue in New Rochelle. The questions deserve an answer.
White people hate to see a positive black man in a position of power. All these assumptions based on t-shirts? FOH
Not assumptions. I am a reporter. I am asking questions. I am not getting an answers.
Prior to making an attempt to assassinate the character of a man that you do not know, one should attempt to make informed decisions. Those based on fact, and not captured through images that can tell a story in part. Truth be told, we all have overt and covert preferences. However, a love for Black History, for Black Culture, and literature should be not be misinterpreted as a hatred for people that are not Black. The media so seldom promotes positive images of Black men in support of Black culture, literature, and family- that such may be difficult to digest. However, without comment from Mr. Muhammed, one is piecing together rhetoric that is not rooted in fact, but in the personal bias and assumption of the writer.
Bob Cox u a media devil! Muhammad is a better human then your whole family
No idea what my family has to do with it but these are simple, rather obvious questions. Ducking them is not a solution.
What are your specific issues with the Nationnof Islam?
Have they ever attacked anyone or initiated any hate crimes? Do they have a history of imposing their I’ll will on other groups of people?
It is not a matter of whether I have a particular view of The Nation of Islam but how that organization is viewed in New Rochelle.