New Rochelle Administrative and Supervisory Association Issues “No Confidence” Letter Blasting Superintendent

Written By: Robert Cox

NEW ROCHELLE, NY — In a historic, unprecedented move, the New Rochelle Administrative and Supervisory Association which represents all of the Principals and Administrators in the City School District of New Rochelle — other than those in the Superintendents Cabinet — has issued a statement which amounts to a “no confidence” vote in a letter to the New Rochelle Board of Education.

The letter has become a closely guarded secret with only a small number of people having seen the final draft sent to the New Rochelle Board of Education days before Superintendent Dr. Laura Feijóo went on an unexpected two week medical leave the Thursday before the start of the 2020-21 school year.

Feijóo was due back at work today. Talk of the Sound has confirmed that Feijóo did not return to work. Readers can draw their own conclusions.

Dr. Alex Marrero was appointed Acting Superintendent by the New Rochelle Board of Education at a Special Meeting on September 1st. The stated purpose of the Special Meeting on was “to appoint Dr. Alex Marrero Acting Superintendent, effective September 3, 2020, for the time Dr. Laura Feijóo is out on medical leave.”

During the meeting the Board voted to appoint Marrero as Acting Superintendent as promised but quietly created a new “temporary position” of Deputy Superintendent and appointed Peter Scordo to that position.

It is the second time in just over a year that the Board manufactured a new position and hired Scordo to fill that position.

On June 28, 2019 at the same meeting where Feijóo was announced as the new Superintendent, the board adopted a resolution to create the position of Human Resources Executive Assistant to the Superintendent of Schools effective July 1, 2019 and to fill that position with Peter C. Scordo as the Human Resources Executive Assistant to the Superintendent of Schools, effective July 1, 2019.

Word is that Feijóo may not come back nor will Marrero.

Scordo is the recently retired Superintendent of the Elwood School District where he served in the capacity since 2009.

Talk of the Sound filed a Freedom of Information request for the A&S letter. Past being prologue, school officials will stonewall on our request for many months.

If anyone reading this is willing to expedite this by sending a copy to Talk of the Sound you can call or text 914-325-4616 or email