TOTAL REDACTION: New Rochelle School District Blacks Out “No Confidence” Feijóo Letter

Written By: Robert Cox

NEW ROCHELLE, NY — In what can only be described as a sick joke, the City School District of New Rochelle has entirely redacted the body of the 3-page no confidence letter” from the New Rochelle A&S Executive Board concerning now for former Superintendent Dr. Laura Feijóo.

Talk of the Sound has sought a copy of the letter since September 2, 2020.

Talk of the Sound will appeal to head of agency, Interim Superintendent Alex Marrero.

We will now ask anyone with knowledge of the contents letter to contact us so the public can know what the Administrators and Supervisors had to say about their boss before she was “unexpectedly resigned”.

More to come.

One thought on “TOTAL REDACTION: New Rochelle School District Blacks Out “No Confidence” Feijóo Letter”

  1. I have talked to people over the past few weeks who are familiar with the A&S letter so I have a sense of what is in it and there is simply no way that there is a legal justification for redacting the entire 3 pages of the body of the letter. This is an outrage and, I am confident is illegal, and I need readers to understand how bad this. The public has a Right to Know what the A&S bargaining unit, a private entity, had to say to the New Rochelle Board of Education which is bound by NYS FOIL.

    You bet I will be aggressively persistent on this matter but readers who appreciate my efforts over the past 12 years need to understand the damage this despicable act causes to my ability to keep the public informed.

    I have seen FBI files with less redactions.

    Criticism of Laura Feijoo by her administrators is NOT a National Security issue.

    This would be laughable if it were not so serious. I am asking folks to join me in make sure District leadership knows this aggression will not stand, man.

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