NEW ROCHELLE, NY — Dozens of students are now in a two-week quarantine in New Rochelle, according to a statement issued Tuesday afternoon.
“We have identified 29 students who have been in contact with an individual who tested positive for COVID-19,” said Interim Superintendent Dr. Alex Marrero. “Consistent with Westchester County Department of Health guidelines, the students are in quarantine for 14 days.”
The news came a day after the Boys & Girls Club of New Rochelle warned parents their children may have been exposed to “someone within their program” who tested positive for COVID-19.
Sources tell Talk of the Sound the person is New Rochelle Board of Education Vice President William Ianuzzi who is the Site Director for the Mascaro Clubhouse facility of the Boys & Girls Club.
Ianuzzi did not respond to an email seeking comment.
“Prior to being notified of the exposure, 12 of those students reported to City School District of New Rochelle schools yesterday for the start of Phase I of our hybrid model,” said Marrero. “Once the District was notified, the students were isolated and sent home from school. The impacted families were contacted by our nursing staff and instructed to remain home until further notice. All impacted students should continue learning virtually until cleared to return to in-person instruction.”
“We are certain that this exposure did not occur in any of our school buildings. Classmates of those now on quarantine are considered ‘contacts of a contact, and it is not necessary to close any classrooms or school buildings at this time.”
Nathaniel Adams III, Director of Operations for the Boys & Girls Club, issued a statement to parents on Monday.
“There is a possibility that your child was exposed to this individual in the 48-hour window prior to the date of diagnosis,” said. “We are in ongoing communication with this individual, who is following strict medical guidelines and will remain in quarantine as recommended by their doctor.”
“If you or your child are having symptoms that align with COVID-19 or was in our program on Thursday, October 15 and/or October 16 please contact your healthcare provider or, if you do not have a healthcare provider, please contact your local health department immediately and indicate that you may have been exposed to the virus,” he added.
The NRBGC Mascaro Clubhouse facility is used for remote learning by the school district and a District-funded after-school program. Mascaro will be closed until Thursday October 22nd as the facility undergoes a deep cleaning and sanitizing.
Children will not be readmitted to the Boys & Girls Club until the children are tested and have a negative result.

Ianuzzi has come under some criticism for attending a golf outing at the Wykagyl Country Club on October 13th. The dinner was held indoors without observing social distancing rules. Ianuzzi is pictured in a photo at the event with 12 other people only one of whom, Nathaniel Adams III, is wearing a mask.
New Rochelle Board of Education Member Tests Positive for COVID, Boys & Girls Club Shut Down
It only takes one to take down many. Totally irresponsible. Pandemic and people are seated closely together with no masks!