MAMARONECK, NY –Vitaly Werner, 23 was arrested by the Village of Mamaroneck police. He is charged with Manslaughter-1st, a Class B Violent Felony with a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison if found guilty, and a mandatory minimum of five years in prison.

Photo from Facebook profile.
Werner was arrested after Village of Mamaroneck police officers responded to an apartment at 300 Richbell Road at about 4:30 p.m. where they came upon a man, 25, stabbed in the chest. The victim was taken to Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
UPDATE: 23-year old Vitaly Werner charged with homicide after stabbing at apartment in Village of Mamaroneck. Coincidentally, this is the same building where Stephen Spina was murdered in 2007.
— Tony Aiello (@AielloTV) February 10, 2021
Village police worked with the Westchester County Department of Public Safety and the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office to investigate the stabbing.
Stephen Spina was killed in the same building in 2007.
Vitaly was arraigned in the Village of Mamaroneck Court on February 10th and was remanded to the Westchester County Jail on $20,000 bail.
I was best friends growing up with him and his brother and I would have never thought he would do something like this, but his brother did have serious problems and i know vitaly only did this out of defending his father and himself from getting killed from his brother. Because the amount of anger bottled up in Schuyler and the amount of strength he had and the adrenaline rush he could have killed vitaly and his father. And this is the second time he has beat up his father. I remember 12 years ago he held my brother over the railing on their tree house where they used to live just out of nowhere because he was high and took things too far and that only progressed and got worse over the years. But hey everything happens for a reason and he doesn’t have to suffer anymore.
Who thinks it’s clever? Nobody’s hiding behind anything. Move on, or move on triggered, or say something useful. This is an editor’s article, not yours, so he may do whatever he pleases with any comments from the article he writes. You do not have the right not to be offended. Reality check yourself, Christine
I’m so sorry
You wouldn’t think your comment was so clever if it was your family member who was murdered. Just because you all can hide behind free speech doesn’t mean you should say something so stupid. And just because this so-called editor decided to approve this trash doesn’t mean it’s okay. I hope you’re proud of yourself for upsetting so many people because of you’re insensitive remarks.
Move on from your offense of the comments for real
Anyway, all of you get past the comment. This is indeed tragic. I don’t know the full details, but from what I’ve heard it involved family, even after the event described. This is somebody I grew up with, and didn’t really associate with, but had some issues emotionally.
He’s got a right to say what he wants, even if it is in bad taste.
Benny your comment was really unnecessary. Please think before you write something that is very hurtful to the family that has lost their loved one. I’m sure you would not appreciate reading that comment if you were in their shoes.
How disrespectful and ignorant. Instead of helping people heal you choose to condone the disgusting comments by defending your excuse for allowing them to be posted. Have some decency. Hope you enjoy approving this comment as well
I have been quite clear that I do not condone the post.
Disgusting. Many people are demanding BennyT’s comment be removed. “Under careful consideration” I call bull. In a collapsing society where we are already against one another, you made a choice to AID in the separation when you could have CAREFULLY CONSIDERED to remove a comment that was unnecessary in regards to the published article.
Agreed. The author of the article Robert Cox just responded to my email and said these comments are allowed.
For the record, what I said was:
“We allow comments with a few exceptions like spam, vulgar words, etc. That policy allows for people to be jerks.
That someone else is offended is not one of the exceptions to our comment policy.
You are welcome to post your concerns as a comment.”
I will also mention as some of the commenters here to be new to the site that I have been doing this for 17 years. On this site, I personally review each comment before it is published and I do not edit them.
In this case, I do not agree with the comment and considered it carefully before approving it. As it did not violate our policy I approved it aware that it is a loathsome and insensitive comment.
The one policy I failed to mention explicitly above is trolling. If this commenter were to post additional comments that I deem troll comments I would delete all of this person’s comments and, as far as possible, ban them for trolling.
What kind of person thinks this is a joke. How do you think the family feels seeing something like this. And as someone related to this I can tell you that I find you disgusting!
This is absolutely disgusting. You are making a mockery of a situation that left family’s with out a son, father, brother. Left a whole in family’s hearts that can NEVER be fixed.
This is absolutely disgusting. You are making a mockery of situations that left family’s with out a son, father, brother. Left a whole in family’s heart that can NEVER be fixed.
Very distasteful. Take your immaturity somewhere else. A life was taken in a horrific manner and your sick twisted mind thinks it’s funny? Grow up.
You might wanna rethink before you speak just because you aren’t effected by these TRAGIC events doesn’t mean others aren’t. Disrespectful disgusting remark snd this article should be ashamed they haven’t taken it down repulsive. How dare you think that was ever okay to post
You have some nerve. Using sarcasm regarding murders is absolutely repulsive. You should be ashamed of yourself. Stephen Spina is related to me and we do not appreciate this comment at all. Insane.
300 Richbell for rent: featuring a nice history of murder, blood stains, and high ceilings. Hot property!