NEW ROCHELLE, NY — The New Rochelle Police Tactical Unit responded to what we were told unofficially was a report of a shot or shots fired about 2:30 p.m. this afternoon. We have a media inquiry to NRPD and will edit this live update rough cut version to a proper news article. In the meantime here is what we have so far.
UPDATE: 8:54 PM: Statement from New Rochelle Police Department
On July 10th, at about 2:01pm, the New Rochelle Police Department received a call from a male party stating a shooting had just occurred at a private residence on Fifth Ave. Officers and Detectives responded and after further investigation found that no such shooting occurred and all residents of the home were fine and had no knowledge of any such incident. Detectives are attempting to follow up on the origin of the call and motive of the caller. Anyone with information regarding this incident can contact the New Rochelle Police Department at 914-654-2300.
In short, this appears to be what is known as Swatting — a false report or prank intended to cause the police to respond in force to the location of an uninvolved party. In this incident, all residents of the home were accounted for, allowed police to check the home and the home was deemed safe and clear of any crime. The residents have no idea why someone may have done it, according to police.
The incident location was 58 Fifth Avenue.
We arrived on scene at 3:36 pm. Roads leading into the area were blocked off by officers in radio cars at Brookdale/Fifth and Beaufort/Fifth.
The “Peacemaker” Personnel Rescue Vehicle had taken up position on Fifth Avenue directly in front of the house, on the far side of the roadway. All officers were outfitted with tactical gear and equipment and armed with rifles. One officer was standing inside the Rescue Vehicle, halfway out of the roof hatch with a rifle pointed at the house. The other officers were positioned on the far side of the vehicle.

At about 3:39 p.m. two officers crossed the street and moved to the east side of the house, through a neighbors yard to take up position towards the back of 58 Fifth Avenue.

At about 3:48 p.m., 7 officers armed with rifles, shotguns and pistols approached the front door of the house.

An 8th officer followed with a long pole with what appeared to be a mirror attached.
Neighbors looked on. Kids were talking to their parents excitedly.
Moments later a loud voice boomed from the house, “New Rochelle Police…anyone in there…come out.” For another 20 minutes police officers could be heard conducting a room to room search.
At 4:12 p.m, — two hours into the event — police officers exited the house. There was no one in the house.
While we are still waiting for an official statement on today’s incident, the bottom line is no one was in the home, no one was hurt and, if you watch the video, you will see the NRPD tactical unit are some well-trained badasses. In particular, watch the officer with the rifle in the turret. We have lots of readers who know far more than us about this sort of stuff; if you watch the video and know more about this sort of tactical response add a comment or send an email and we will add to the story.
The NRPD tactical unit is one of the few certified as a SWAT Team. We intend to add some information about that along with the official statement.