Norwalk Study Exposes Inequities Foisted Up New Rochelle Special Education Students by Yvette Goorevitch

Written By: Robert Cox

We published this PowerPoint presentation out of Norwalk before but after a recent, disturbing discussion with a member of the New Rochelle Board of Education we feel the need to acquaint the many newcomers in the cabinet and school board with Yvette Goorevitch, in our experience, the only truly evil public sector employee we have reported on over the past two decades.

The presentation made to the Norwalk School Board last year was based on a report from outside consultants from Arizona State University that perfectly describes how Goorevitch ran Special Education in New Rochelle for decades: by, for, and with parents who could afford to hire private psychologists and special educators to work with attorneys to conduct assessments to extract as much money out of the district as possible, money transferred to benefit those privileged families at the expense of all other students. Like in New Rochelle, in Norwalk, that translated into predominantly affluent, white families.

While we do not generally hold with the the idea of universal systemic racism, it can exist in certain ways in certain settings and one of them, in its purest form, is the way Yvette Goorevitch ran Special Education in New Rochelle. Goorevitch showered goodies worth tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to families the Norwalk report euphemistically describes as “those with capital” or “families with advocates” or “families with advocates/lawyers” or “families who are white and with the means to hire advocates/lawyers” at the expense of non-white families especially “families whose first language is not English”.

In short, Goorevitch wielded power by lavishing taxpayer dollars on disproportionately white, affluent, North End, Jewish families by depriving low to middle income South End Black and Hispanic families.

Had anyone in leadership in New Rochelle over the past few decades cared to commission such a study on Goorevitch they would have come up with identical findings to Norwalk. That could never happen because the key people on the Goorevitch gravy train were board members, PTA Council leadership and SEPTA leadership. The same people gorging at the Goorevitch trough for years and years are those who wrap themselves in the cloak of “equity” and “inclusion”

Goorevitch left New Rochelle for Norwalk in July 2017.

The one time anyone in power raised questions about equity in Special Education was in 2018, after Goorevitch was gone. That person was board member Amy Moselhi who did not understand how poor minority families were systematically screwed over by Goorevitch and her minions, asked the wrong questions and was ultimately fobbed off with meaningless numbers based on aggregate spending per capita at each school rather than asking about spending on “big ticket” cases.

Yvette Goorevitch, Exposed in New Rochelle, Plays the Victim in Norwalk

JUST SAY NO: Should Yvette Goorevitch Return to New Rochelle?

Connecticut State Ed Report Slams Yvette Goorevitch for Importing New Rochelle Playbook to Norwalk