Westchester County narrative “misleading” and “inconsistent with the facts”, said FAC Associate Director Jared Carter
WESTCHESTER, NY (May 12, 2022) — The Cornell Law School First Amendment Clinic has released a letter sharply critical of the administration of Westchester County Executive George Latimer for what it claims are misrepresentations of the interactions between the FAC and the Latimer administration.
In a letter sent earlier today (see below for full text of letter), citing our previous Substack article on May 3, FAC Associate Director Jared Carter had strong words for Westchester County Attorney John M. Nonna and Westchester County Communications Director Catherine Cioffi.
This letter is in response to your May 10th, 2022, email regarding the Westchester County Facebook Policy and our representation of Mr. Joseph Dalli concerning the same. Your May 10th correspondence makes several points that we believe do not accurately portray our recent interactions and the County’s actions regarding its Facebook Policy.
Joseph Dalli is a civil servant employed by Westchester County.
To read the entire article click here.