Bed Bug Epidemic Plagues New Rochelle

Written By: Talk of the Sound News

Bed bug infestations are a growing problem in New Rochelle. The lack of attention to this problem is a cause for concern. Left unchecked, the problem will only get worse and ultimately become intractable.

People who are effected often feel helpless with nowhere to turn. The Westchester County Health Department claims it is not their problem. The City of New Rochelle has not addressed the issue nor have the schools.

People do not realize the severity of this problem. Bed bugs are not only a health hazard but extremely difficult to eradicate. Beyond bug bites, people dealing with bed bug infestations face anxiety, stress, and insomnia. In extreme cases, blood loss in humans can cause anemia.

It is a serious problem. The lack of understanding or concern among our local officials is disturbing. The failure to act to alleviate this problem is disappointing. I would call on them to take this matter seriously.

There are some resources out there:

Harvard School of Public Health has an excellent primer on bed bugs.

The web site described the problem and give residents an idea of the gravity of the problem.

Because bed bugs are so easily transported people should notify others if they come across places that are infested by reporting bed bug infestations at Click here to register a specific address.

There are currently no reports of beg bugs in the bedbugreigstry. Let’s help one another to stop the spread of bed bugs. A good place to start is documenting the problem. City, County and School officials can help by promoting the registry to help get a handle on the problem in New Rochelle.

2 thoughts on “Bed Bug Epidemic Plagues New Rochelle”

  1. This is a problem that is
    This is a problem that is facing the entire New York metropolitan area – GEEEEZUS!!! Its not a situation that is unique to New Rochelle by any means.

  2. Thanks for spreading the
    Thanks for spreading the word about bed bugs and thanks for pointing people to

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