The Journal News reported on a coyote near Trinity Elementary School:
Cops shoot, kill coyote near New Rochelle school
NEW ROCHELLE – A young, coyote died after authorities shot it with too much tranquilizer when it turned up near Trinity Elementary School this morning and was injured during attempts to capture it, police said.
The coyote, which appeared healthy, was spotted in the rear of the school around 8 a.m., Lt. Dennis Feery said. School officials were told to keep arriving children inside while officers tried to capture the animal.
AdvertisementIt kept evading police, Feery said, until it hurt its leg jumping a fence. Police shot the animal with a tranquilizer after it got hurt, and the animal died from the dosage of tranquilizer, police said.
Three or four dogs were killed by coyotes in the north end of New Rochelle several years ago, Feery said. Trinity is at 180 Pelham Road in the south end of the city, just blocks from the country clubs and shore.
We have the following questions:
Do coyotes run in packs? pairs? are they loners?
The animal was young, where was it’s mommy/daddy?
Was the school informed? If so, should a districtwide automated call have gone out for parents to exercise caution? Why/why not?
Since dogs were killed, could this situation not be dangerous for children as well?
Was there an emergency lockdown?
It is interesting how JN differentiates between north end and south end on a story like this.
coyotes are generally no
coyotes are generally no larger than a SMALL dog. any dog killed must have been TINY and could have been attacked the same way by a loose domestic dog.
people demonize coyotes but all they really do is scavenge for scraps. there are tons of them that live in this area, they just do a good job at keeping out of sight.
the over-reaction and ignorance revealed by this animals appearance is appalling.
I wonder if this coyote was
I wonder if this coyote was an exotic pet. There is very little uninhabited wooded area in the south end of New Rochelle. Unless the poor animal traveled up from the Bronx coastal areas.