May 19th is coming: Time to SUCK IT UP!

Written By: Robert Cox

Truth in advertising from supporters of Polow, Hastie and the District’s $229 mm boondoggle budget.

Over the past two months self-centered New Rochelle residents have appeared before the school board to tell sob stories about losing their jobs and the rise in home foreclosures. Week after week, members of the school board have had to sit and listen to octogenarians on fixed incomes cry poor, property owners whine about their property taxes, and long-time residents drone on and on about returning to some mythical golden age. Enough already!

Click to read: SUCK IT UP.pdf

Be sure to print up copies and distribute them to your friends and neighbors.

6 thoughts on “May 19th is coming: Time to SUCK IT UP!”

    1. Are you kidding me?! It was
      Are you kidding me?! It was hilarious! That describes the bullying tactics of some BOE members, union reps and north end parents in this school district perfectly. I was born and raised in New Rochelle. I returned(regretting it everyday) after marrying and live here with my husband and kids who attend New Rochelle public schools and nothing has changed. As a homeowner,I have watched my school taxes go up every year for the past 21 years. May 19th I hope that finally stops. Vote NO!

      1. I was also born and raised
        I was also born and raised here in New Rochelle but in the North End. But I agree with you, for too many years our taxes having been going up and up and up. It time to STOP and VOTE NO!

  1. Yes, I thought so. Just
    Yes, I thought so. Just needed to double check, after all it’s so very plausible! (that’s what makes it such biting satire) 😉
    Sometimes keeping things hidden for so long can cause some to forget what is meant for the public and what is not. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the incumbent’s supporters are confusing mendacity with reality. Someone, somewhere is going to let their guard down from sheer exhaustion at having to ‘keep up with appearances’. That’s when the sad commentary will write itself.

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