EXCLUSIVE TALK OF THE SOUND REPORT — A very credible parent source from Webster Elementary School has shared with NRCP that a district assigned substitute Physical Education Teacher assaulted (parent used expression “teacher put child in a chokehold”) 5th grader at the aforementioned school. The alleged assault occurred yesterday, June 12th, 2009. We are gathering more details at this time. We were also told that there was a letter sent out to parents. Citizens, please write in and let us know what you know!
EDITOR’S NOTE: This story which has now been widely reported in newspapers, online and on TV was broken her first thanks to alert New Rochelle residents who have taken to reporting the news themselves via Talk of the Sound. Another signal of how citizen media is changing the rules of the game. Great work all around.
UPDATE: On Friday, June 12 a teacher was charged criminally (assault 3rd degree, endangering the welfare of a minor, and harassment).
UPDATE: Here is the paperwork on it from NRPD: NRPD Webster Assault Reports. The teacher arrested is Daniel Sanabria, 58, of New Rochelle.
UPDATE: Aman Ali of
the Journal News is now reporting the story. Ali is reporting:
Sanabria was arraigned in city court on Friday and will appear again on June 23.
Detective Thomas Leak said the incident occurred at Daniel Webster Elementary School when Sanabria and the student were arguing over a gym class dodgeball game. The student claimed he wasn’t out in the game and Sanabria disagreed. The argument led to Sanabria calling the student a “crybaby” as the child was walking away and the child responded by trying to throw a punch at Sanabria but missed, police said.
UPDATE: News12 is now reporting the story.
Update: Once again the Journal News’ Aman Ali has published yet another report on the topic. It seems that Mr. Ali is not going to walk away from this one that quickly. This is one of the few times that we have seen the Journal News interview the other side when reporting problems and/or incidents within the City School District of New Rochelle.
New Rochelle sub denies police account of choking child, 10
In this article Mr. Organisciak takes the opportunity to squeeze in some of his own denials:
New Rochelle school officials emphasized Sanabria was never an employee of the district.
“Obviously, we’re not going to be using him again,” Superintendent Richard Organisciak said.
what about the teacher’s side of the story
maybe the student could not be controlled. for all we know the kid could of been acting like a complete animal in the gym class and might of attacked the teacher initially. no one knows what really happened in that class … sounds like this story is very one sided… seems like this little animal’s parents or guardians are blowing this waaaaay out of proportion to put some money in their pockets! get a job!
It is not just a South End problem
Now that North End kids are getting beat up by school staff too, maybe parents at those schools will realize the problems in our schools, just like those in the economy affect all of us.
ANOTHER isolated incident?
Let’s see…
There was the stabbing at NRHS and that was an isolated incident, the child porn case at ALMS and that was an isolated incident, there was the pot bust at IEYMS and that was an isolated incident, there was the pot bust at ALMS and that was an isolated incident, there was the assault of a student at IEYMS and that was an isolated incident, there was another assault of a student at IEYMS and that was an isolated incident, there was the monkey in a noose incident at IEYMS and that was an isolated incident, there was the suspension of the racist employee at Jefferson and that was an isolated incident, there was the guy taking home a school van for the past decade or so and that was an isolated incident, there was the guy with the “no show” job and that was an isolated incident, there was the sexual harrasment case at the central office and that was an isolated incident, there was the break-in at IEYMS with graffiti sprayed on the walls of classrooms and that was an isolated incident…
Whew. It is hard keeping track of all these “isolated” incidents.
I am glad they are all isolated
Yeah. isolated to the New Rochelle school system.
“You voted for it”
Deidre Polow
don’t forget the trinity “trail of tears ” march
And the special ed kid who had the chair yanked out from under him as retaliation, the no heat classrooms at Jefferson, the Bongo smoke-a-thon, failure to help a kid with a broken wrist, underreported VADIR, ad nauseum. How much of this is just this semester? year? Board of Ed website has a job opening for a Isolated Incident Data Facilitator. Any takers?
isn’t there a police report?
Webster School Assault
The substitute teachers name is Sanabria(sp?)…details to follow
Maybe your source is my source..or maybe i’m the source but..
in any event good work Bob..you beat me to it this time…
Police Report Coming
I have confirmed with NRPD that a teacher from Webster was arrested and charged as noted above. Will have a copy of the arrest sheet soon.
more to the story
This was not an assault. There is much more to the story that will have to come out now that it has gotten this far. The facts will vindicate the sub as he was acting in good faith. It was not an act of violence.