BREAKING NEWS: More Trouble for the McKnight “Family” As Car Chase on I-95 Ends with Weapons Drawn

Written By: Robert Cox

Reliable sources have informed Talk of the Sound there was more trouble for the McKnight “family” tonight following a car chase by New Rochelle police officers that came to an end with a suspect arrested at gunpoint on the Hutchison River Parkway off I-95.

On Sunday a young woman called the New Rochelle Police Department to report that the father of her child had menaced her, threatening to produce a gun but not actually producing the weapon. NRPD responded to the call outside her residence. She told officers she was the daughter of Detective Timothy McKnight. Also present was Demetrius Hazelton, who recently filed a lawsuit against the NRPD, after he was arrested on a disorderly conduct charge. Readers will recall Hazelton also dropped McKnight’s name to police.

NRPD spent a good part of the day looking out for the young man who had menaced the young woman. Later in the day the young woman called NRPD a second time to report that she was on I-95 and that the young man was in a car ahead of her. NRPD responded immediately, chasing down the car and arresting the young man.

Back at the station, the young woman recanted her story, saying she made it up. Police are now considering charges against the young woman for filing a false police report although sources tell Talk of the Sound that it is unlikely in light of previous events involving McKnight and those claiming to be his children.


3 thoughts on “BREAKING NEWS: More Trouble for the McKnight “Family” As Car Chase on I-95 Ends with Weapons Drawn”

  1. How is that fair
    So let me see if I got this, The NRPD arrests some poor guy at gun point, who really didnt do anything wrong. B/c another one of McKignhts kids is also full of $h!t. So they most have let the guy go without being charged. Right? So now what happins when the baby’s daddy sues the NRPD and the cops that were just doing there jobs when they stopped him at gun point? B/c the NRPD brass dosnt want any bad press for locking up another one of McKignhts so called kids. Sounds like the upper brass is leaving them guys

    1. Enforce the Law
      If a non-African American woman filed a false report causing a highway chase and arrest at gunpoint you can bet she would have been jailed. If not for the pending lawsuit and NAACP involvement she would be behind bars. SHHHH, I understand the sergeant whose decision it was is African American not that there’s any racial discrimination in New Rochelle. Could this be reverse discrimination?
      The NRPD brass has lost its nerve by stepping back and referring this case to the DA. The brass doesn’t have the balls to enforce the law. If commissioner Carroll allows the NRPD to be manipulated this way he should to be fired. We will be the laughing stock of the law enforcement community.

  2. Does this surprise anyone,
    Does this surprise anyone, what no press confrence.

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