A few people have asked why I am not running my usual hard-charging, aggressive campaign this year. We are, in fact, running for re-election this campaign season and will be on the ballot next month seeking an 8th term on the Westchester Board of Legislators, so we thought it was time to put up an update on the campaign website.
Back in July, we filed our petitions to get on the ballot as required by the election law. I did have an announced opponent at that time who was running on the Independence Party line. However, this candidate did not file any petitions and later announced that he decided not to run.
Therefore, we learned by August that we did not have an opponent this year. Election Day takes place in about 25 days, and since I am the only name on the ballot for County Legislator in District 11, it looks like we are in good shape.
We certainly are not complaining about being unopposed, although we respect the notion that voters want choice in elections. If we had an opponent, as always, we would be out in the streets of New Rochelle and Pelham campaigning diligently to bring our message directly to the voters. I do pledge to continue my efforts to always be a legislator that works in a professional, collegial and bipartisan manner, and one that truly represents every person in District 11.
It is still a busy campaign season. I am helping several candidates in local and county campaigns. I am looking forward to seeing the results on Election Day like all voters.
Thanks so much for your continued support. The only reason why I have been successful in my prior campaigns is that I have the best campaign team in Westchester politics. I am sure the main reason I ended up unopposed is that no one wanted to take on all my supporters! I am very lucky that so many kind and thoughtful friends have supported me over the past 14 years.
Thanks again,
Jim Maisano
County Legislator
District 11