3 thoughts on “Gripedaddy Revisits New Rochelle Home Depot”

  1. home depot vs. locally owned stores
    in the not too distant past there were a number of locally owned stores that provided fine service, free delivery, pleasant greetings, great inventories ….stores such as benders lumber, librett hardware,and a number of other service oriented suppliers of plumbing supplies, electrical fixtures and supplies, mom and pop nurseries….all of which helped to make new rochelle such a pleasant place to shop and visit….
    are we happier with the big box stores ? do they really provide more products and an enjoyable shopping experience ? perso nally, i think the way we were worked just fine !

  2. Train station
    Come on daddy the train station is a dump every morning there are bums on the benches the elevators smell like pee and bathrooms are gross and there are 100 cabs blocking the streets and the drivers attack people for fares

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