LISTS: Voided, Wrongly Voided and Unsealed Ballots

Written By: Robert Cox

All Voided Ballots

Unsealed Ballots

Wrongly Voided Ballots – Wrong ED

Ballots Slit Open Then Voided

Ballots Voided for No Signature

JUNE 2020 New Rochelle School Election Series

Massive Election Irregularities in New Rochelle School Election Show Need for Audit, Restoration of Wrongly Voided Ballots

Process for Accepting or Reject Ballots in the June 2020 New Rochelle School Election

Examples of Common Voter Errors in the June 2020 New Rochelle School Election

Examples of Common Election Inspector Errors in the June 2020 New Rochelle School Election

Examples of Fraud Detected by Election Inspectors in the June 2020 New Rochelle School Election

The Official Canvass of Absentee Ballot “Tally Sheets” Were Rife with Significant Errors

Many Ballots Were Not Sealed, No Voided Ballots Were Individually Sealed

Absentee Ballots Were Not Secret But Voiding of Ballots Was

Ballots of Prominent New Rochelle Residents Including Elected Officials Were Voided

School Board Candidates Concerned About Integrity of June 2020 New Rochelle School Election

Unanswered Questions About June 2020 New Rochelle School Election

Next Steps Following Investigation into June 2020 New Rochelle School Election

LISTS: Voided, Wrongly Voided and Unsealed Ballots

All Voided Ballots

Unsealed Ballots

Wrongly Voided Ballots – Wrong ED

Ballots Slit Open Then Voided

Ballots Voided for No Signature

Majority of Official Canvass of Absentee Ballots in New Rochelle Contain Errors