Under New York State Education Law voided ballots and related envelopes must be placed in sealed envelopes and all ballots and related envelopes from the election must be sealed for a period of one year unless ordered to be unsealed by the New York State Education Commissioner.

New York Education Law – EDN § 2034. Canvass of votes; declaration of result
- The inspectors of election shall announce to the chairman the results of the ballot. The ballots that were declared void or wholly blank shall be sealed in an envelope and so endorsed by the inspectors of election. Such envelope shall be placed in the ballot box as provided in subdivision six of this section.
New York Education Law – EDN § 2034. Canvass of votes; declaration of result
- After the ballots are counted and the statements have been made as required in this section, the ballots, together with…the void or wholly blank ballots, shall be placed in the ballot box or boxes. Each box shall be securely locked and sealed by the inspectors of election and deposited by the chief inspector with the clerk of the district…The ballot box, or boxes…after being sealed by the inspectors of election, shall not thereafter be opened, except: (a) upon the order of the commissioner of education in the manner specified in such order, or (b) when a period of six months from the date of the meeting or election has elapsed without any proceeding being commenced in regard to such meeting or election, the board of education may, notwithstanding any provision of this chapter or of the public officers law to the contrary, by written resolution order the unsealing and opening of the ballot box, or boxes, and the destruction of all ballots contained therein…

In New Rochelle, none of the voided ballots and related envelopes were placed inside sealed envelopes and 44% of voided ballots were not sealed. A similar number of accepted ballots were likewise not sealed.
JUNE 2020 New Rochelle School Election Series
Process for Accepting or Reject Ballots in the June 2020 New Rochelle School Election
Examples of Common Voter Errors in the June 2020 New Rochelle School Election
Examples of Common Election Inspector Errors in the June 2020 New Rochelle School Election
Examples of Fraud Detected by Election Inspectors in the June 2020 New Rochelle School Election
The Official Canvass of Absentee Ballot “Tally Sheets” Were Rife with Significant Errors
Many Ballots Were Not Sealed, No Voided Ballots Were Individually Sealed
Absentee Ballots Were Not Secret But Voiding of Ballots Was
Ballots of Prominent New Rochelle Residents Including Elected Officials Were Voided
School Board Candidates Concerned About Integrity of June 2020 New Rochelle School Election
Unanswered Questions About June 2020 New Rochelle School Election
Next Steps Following Investigation into June 2020 New Rochelle School Election
LISTS: Voided, Wrongly Voided and Unsealed Ballots
Wrongly Voided Ballots – Wrong ED
Ballots Voided for No Signature
Majority of Official Canvass of Absentee Ballots in New Rochelle Contain Errors
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