NEW ROCHELLE, NY (August 9, 2022) — Former New Rochelle Board of Education President David Lacher is once again worming his way back into the good graces of yet another naive top school official — New Rochelle Schools Superintendent Jonathan P. Raymond.
Why it matters: David Lacher is a horrid human being. He is a documented liar and a fraud who many believe should have been removed from the board — and disbarred — after he was found to have used his position as BOE President to misappropriate over $13,000 is taxpayer money to pay his personal expenses in 2013 and 2014. He left the Board in disgrace in 2017. In 2020-21, he engaged in a depraved sexual relationship with a woman half his age who was a high school student while Lacher was on the school board.
Raymond recently stood cheek-to-jowl with Lacher recording a Facebook video giggling and praising Lacher after the disgraced board member was allowed into the school to lecture fifth-graders on — wait for it — the legal profession as part of what Raymond called the “outstanding” Lawyer in the Classroom program.
The video was taken on June 21, 2022 in front of Daniel Webster Elementary School after the pair attended the school’s Moving Up Ceremony.
David Lacher is a horrid human being. He is a documented liar and a fraud who many believe should have been removed from the board — and disbarred — after he was found to have used his position as BOE President to misappropriate over $13,000 is taxpayer money to pay his personal expenses in 2013 and 2014. He left the Board in disgrace in 2017. In 2020-21, he engaged in a depraved sexual relationship with a woman half his age who was a high school student while Lacher was on the school board.
Despite this, he remains as Vice President of the New Rochelle Bar Association.
That Lacher is once again seeking to influence the administration of the school district is not surprising — he did the same thing with the easily duped former Board President Amy Moselhi, who referred to Lacher as her consigliere —which sort of makes sense given the meaning of the word.

What is disturbing is the poor judgement of Jonathan Raymond.
Partial History of Malfeasance by Lacher
- Mother-Daughter Sex A bizarre 2020-21 sexual relationship with his former client, a woman half his age, which ended up in court, including efforts in writing to convince the young woman to get her mother to have three-way sex with him
- Theft Misappropriation of $13,500 over the course of the 2013-14 school year, while he was board President
- Voter Fraud Pressuring poll watchers to allow him to vote after polls closed in the 2015 school election; after an investigation, the vote was disqualified
- Audit Fraud False Statements in Financial Disclosure Form in 2013 and again in 2014, while Board President, to hide thousands of dollars he owed to the City School District of New Rochelle

Bottom line: After reporting on him over the past 15 years, I have concluded Lacher suffers from narcissistic personality disorder, and should not be allowed within 100 feet of a school.
Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
Go deeper:
Sex Case
Woman Charged with Harassing Current and Former New Rochelle School Board Members (5/21/21)
Who is Aline Halle Misner? (5/24/21)
Judge Orders Psychological Evaluation in Lacher — Lombardo Sex Case (5/27/21)
Psychological Evaluation in David Lacher Sex Case is Complete 7/7/21
Misappropriation of School Funds
Lacher’s Medical Insurance Woes: The Story Behind the Story (4/15/14)
David Lacher, Mr. Quinn and CORRUPTION (4/22/14)
Disgraced New Rochelle Board President David Lacher, Refuses to Sit in the Corner Where He Belongs(8/27/14)
GETTING RESULTS: New Rochelle Board President Steps Down in Wake of Medical Insurance Scandal (6/26/14)
Illegal Vote in School Election
False Statements to Auditors
Why Won’t Lyin’ Lacher Just Go Away? (5/17/19)
School Board Member David Lacher Offers Life Lessons for High School Graduates 2010 (7/11/10)
Dismissed Under a Cloud, Former New Rochelle Administrator Given $54,000 “Golden Parachute” (5/10/16)