Robert “Rob” Rubicco, Jr. is a criminal.
Rob Rubicco’s LinkedIN profile says he worked at IQPC, a conference and event organizer, from 2006 to 2014 then spent several years bouncing around as a consultant before going to work full time in 2019 at Anna & Jack’s Treehouse, a company he co-owns with his wife Christina Rubicco. The employment history listed on his LinkedIN profile appears to be wildly inaccurate.
On August 11, 2010, while his LinkedIN profile says he was employed by IQPC, Rubicco was arrested by Eastchester Police and charged with bribing a witness, a D Felony, in the credit card case involving his brother.. The charges against Rob Rubicco were later reduced to Tampering with a Witness — 4th, in a deal with the Westchester County District Attorney. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to three years probation.
In 2011, IQPC eliminated Rubicco’s position at the company. He applied for another position in the company. He wanted to make inquiries into the company computer system about his possible re-employment. He called the company’s computer help desk, representing himself as another employee in need of a new password, then used the password to access the company computer system without authorization.
Rubicco was caught.
On September 22, 2011, while still on probation in Westchester for witness tampering, Rubicco was indicted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Manhattan and arrested the next day on a charge of Fraud and Related Activity in Connection with Computer, a felony which carries a maximum possible sentence of five years imprisonment.
He accepted a deal to plead guilty, under which the felony charge was reduced to a misdemeanor.
On January 24. 2012, Rubicco was sentenced by a federal judge to a year of “home detention with call verification”.
Under the terms of the deal, Rubicco had to pay restitution of $10,240 to his former employer, he was allowed out of the house 60 hours a week to work with one day on lockdown, not allowed to travel outside the area without permission, not allowed to illegally use controlled substances, and refrain from excessive use of alcohol.
According to a statement made at sentencing by Rob Rubicco’s court-appointed lawyer, Rob’s father, Robert Rubicco, was a “ne’er do-well”, an alcoholic who stole from his employer and wasted his wife’s “substantial casino winnings”.
“Throughout his life”, the attorney said speaking of Rob, “Mr. Rubicco has lacked judgement and this immaturity, together with his emotional problems, is the source of several minor arrests.”
“Mr. Rubicco has long-standing and serious emotional problems going back to his elementary school days,” the lawyer told the court.
Rubicco’s 2010 arrest for bribing a witness is explained away as akin to an attorney proposing a settlement. The lawyer said, “Michael Jackson’s child molestation charges disappeared this way.”
Rubicco’s lawyer went on to claim Rob’s illegal conduct may have helped his former employer by showing its computer security system was inadequate, that Rubicco unintentionally rendered his former employer “an enormous and very valuable service”, claiming that had some bad actor gained access to the computer system as Rubicco did the system could have been “trashed to smithereens”.
On June 20, 2012, a Judgment of Restitution for $10,240 was entered into the federal record.
On August 7, 2012, Rubicco was found to have violated the terms of his probation.
On August 14, 2012, on letterhead from a company called econique, which listed him as Managing Director of the Americas, Rubicco applied to alter the terms of his probation from 60 hours out of the house to 85 hours out of the house. He claimed he had made two payments towards restitution.
The request for alteration of his sentence was denied by the Court on the same day.
On October 11, 2012, as a result of his probation violation, Rubicco’s probation of “home detention with call verification” was revoked. He was given probation with “home detention with electronic monitoring”. He would have to wear an ankle bracelet.
Rubicco continued to violate the terms of his probation by consuming alcohol and cocaine; failing to pay full restitution to IQPC; failing to complete community service and leaving the area without permission from his probation officer.
In September 2013, according to court records, Rubicco left the State of New York without permission from his probation officer, got drunk in a hotel bar in Boston then called his probation officer to confess he violated terms of his probation. Christina Rubicco served Rob with divorce papers.
In January 2014, as a result of his repeated probation violations including the Boston incident, a federal judge was asked by the U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services System to revoke his probation and sentence Rubicco to 30 days in federal prison as a “wake-up call”.
On January 2, 2014, Rubicco’s probation was upgraded from “home detention” to the far more restrictive “home confinement”. Under such strict home incarceration he was allowed very little freedom — just visits to his therapist.
At a hearing in Federal Court two weeks later, the Office of Probation and Pretrial Services told the Court that Rubicco was manipulative from the start of his court-ordered treatment for alcohol and drug addiction.
The Assistant U.S. Attorney said Rubicco’s doctor said Rubicco “tried to control his therapy, shopped for alternate programs to insulate him from drug oversight” and engaged in other manipulative efforts. And in the months since the Boston incident, Rubicco continued to manipulate the system.

Rubicco (seen above with wife Christina in a 2018 video from the New Rochelle Chamber of Commerce Facebook page) in a statement to the court, characterized himself as someone who had hit bottom with alcohol and drugs, turned a corner and wanted to move forward with his life.
On January 17, 2014, Judge Michael A. Dollinger sentenced Rubicco to 3 weeks incarceration in federal prison.
When Rubicco’s attorney sought to have Rubicco serve his sentence at the Westchester County Jail instead of the Manhattan Correctional Center, the Assistant U.S. Attorney scoffed.
“I don’t know that any federal prisoners in Mr. Rubicco’s shoes are being housed in Valhalla right now.”
Rubicco, remanded to federal custody, was ordered to surrender to U.S. Marshalls on January 31, 2014, to begin serving his prison term.

According to Federal Bureau of Prisons records, Rubicco, Inmate 65754-054, was released from Federal prison on February 19, 2014.

Rubicco to this day claims on LinkedIN that he worked at IQPC until January 2014, two and half years after he was arrested for hacking into their computer system, right up until he was sentenced to incarceration in federal prison.
It was while Rubicco was going through the federal criminal system that Greco arranged to put Rubicco on the boards of the Sans Souci HOA and the Sans Souci Pool and Tennis Club.

In December 17, 2014, Rubicco posted to a shady web forum called Black Hat World which is described as a place where webmasters can discuss all aspects of black hat search engine optimization. He was ridiculed for his ham-handed effort to clean up his Google search results.

Rubicco’s LinkedIN profile claims he worked for The Millennium Alliance from January 2014 until December 2015. He claims to have worked at Globant from August 2015 to July 2018.
On January 28, 2016, The Millennium Alliance was served a Writ of Garnishment stating their employee, Rob Rubicco, as of January 5, 2016, owed $6,150.62 out of the $10,240 Judgement of Restitution from 2012.
On July 25, 2017, National Bank Association filed for foreclosure against Robert Rubicco, Jr., et al. for the property at 3 Kensington Oval.
On October 23, 2017, Rubicco satisfied the 2012 Judgement of Restitution, paying $10,240 plus a Special Assessment of $25.
In February 2018, after the murder of Valaree Schwab, Rob Rubicco applied to be appointed by the New Rochelle Board of Education to the Task Force on Reducing Violence in the Lives of Children and Youth led by Dr. Jonathon Brice.
The Board required each applicant to submit a short statement explaining why they wished to serve. Each applicant was asked to “briefly describe any background, training, or experience you would like us to consider”; “please explain briefly why you would like to serve on the task force”; and “briefly describe what your skill or area of interest is.”
EDITOR’S NOTE: We recently renewed our 2018 Freedom of Information Law request for Rubicco’s response and will update this story accordingly with any new information.

The New Rochelle Property Portal states Anna Rubicco, Rob’s mother, bought 3 Kensington Oval in 2007. After she died, in 2013, her husband Robert Rubicco bought the property. In 2015, Anna’s Playhouse, LLC bought the property. Today, the listed owners are Robert Rubicco, Jr. and Christina Rubicco.
The Sans Souci HOA lawsuit was filed against Greco, Rubicco, et al. in 2017 and continued until 2019.
In 2020, the New Rochelle Boys and Girls Club honored Rubicco and his family as “Family of the Year”.
Nightmare on the Isle of Sans Souci Series
Additionally, his family members also seem to struggle to obey the law. I encourage you to take a look at their public records of theft, domestic violence, restraining orders, and recurring abuse of drugs/alcohol. I only post this because I am truly concerned and bothered that he and his family are being honored as an example for the community of Boys and Girls Club when there are families who have always strived to do good for New Rochelle.
He was married
Are you a synagogue of Satan member bob?
If my asshole ever fails me I know where to find a new one
The mirror?
It’s truly astonishing what a sick man this Cox appears to be. It’s beyond belief to see how much time and effort he has put in to dragging this family through the mud. What an ugly little troll of a man. All you have to do is Google this man to see how many run-ins he’s had with the law, with different lawsuits, and articles have even been written about him talking about what an obsessed and disturbed cyber bully he is. I would like to know what his agenda is in doing this? Has someone paid him to try to destroy these people because they are jealous competitors of this very successful business? Or is Cox just a mentally ill stalker?
Surely this is the same person writing over and over to defend such a convict. Everything stated in the article is facts… this is public record. I was not “pleading” to anyone to please post negative reviews, but simply bringing awareness, as families should know about this type of background criminal activity and con behavior of such people.
How could you call me a loser and deceitful when I am just reading and responding to an article that has references and resources to back up what they’re saying????? You contradict yourself many times saying I don’t know Rob but his information is all over the internet and I DO know him!; it is YOU who doesn’t know ME, so take your own advice and don’t speak on me!
I have no reason to be jealous of the Rubicco’s. As a long time resident of new rochelle Ive known for many of years (just like Rob), their marriage is a downward spiral but kept under wraps for business purposes. No secret there “BUDDY”.
You certainly are entitled to your own opinion, but please DO NOT encourage anyone to write any misleading or false accusations against Robert solely based on YOUR bitter opinions and YOUR own dislikes for him. You claim Rob is a “fraud loser.” What does that say about you? You are literallly telling, not asking, but telling people to post on google and Yelp. You are asking the public and people who do not even know Rob on any level at all to lie just to satisfy what seems like jealous intentions more so then you being an advocate for daycare centers. Which btw Christina his wife, long time school teacher, amazing person, no criminal record of any kind , not even a traffic ticket is the owner that runs the daycare. Robert is behind the scenes and btw an amazing father and loves kids. His record does not reflect his big heart and love for kids and his family. Get your facts right buddy!!
Wouldn’t you asking people to write bad reviews fall under fraudulent accusations? You never said “those of you who know Rob” but you made a general plea for everyone to write a bad review to those not even knowing Robert. Your a low life loser and DO NOT ENCOURAGE ANYONE to make false claims and fictitiously bad reviews about him, a loser is defined as someone who has enough time in the day to write numerous bad reviews over and over again and wait for them to get deleted all to do it all over again. You do not know Robert enough to encourage these accusations about him, your a LOSER AND A DECEITFUL sad excuse of a human being. Please find a hobby and get off google and Yelp and get a good night sleep not plotting against the Rubbico’s, your a sad person and I wish you well.
Please, have your own opinion and do not be sheep in his defamation against Rob heard and follow a crowd of negativity. No one should listen to this person and make lies up because of his hate and jealousy.
I’ll make sure every comment written from you FW is flagged. good luck now buddy and get a life!
And yet………here you are reading and commenting
think about how bored you have to be to sit down and make this article😐…
I’m gonna go ahead and get the jump on this one. “Bob Cox didn’t kill himself” 😂
Be careful Bob, one day your gonna write about the wrong person.
I have tried to bring awareness about this fraud of a loser many times!! He is deceitful and does not deserve to run a daycare with this kind of record! Unbelievable!! Please post in google and Yelp as my reviews always get deleted !